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Here Are the Craziest Ideas to Speed Up TSA’s Security

2 minute read

While the TSA ramps up its security checkpoints, it’s also boosting lines and wait times. That’s why the agency is crowdsourcing the most creative ideas for the “next generation checkpoint queue,” dangling a $15,000 prize for the best suggestions. But just because entrants are asked to “apply a scientific and simulation modeling approach” hasn’t discouraged more casual ideas from floating on around on social media.

In fact, some believe the solution may be much simpler:

Others took the dismissive route, too:

Some flyers took the opportunity to express their frustrations with TSA:

Another user appeared frustrated, but a different kind of frustration:

Meanwhile, ideas targeted burdensome passengers:

Some ideas were more realistic:

And others less so:

But if security is all about checking belongings, there’s one method that’s foolproof:

Then maybe, after all, this is the future of airport security:


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