• U.S.

45 Years Later: Remembering the First Moon Landing

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Correction: The original version of this article incorrectly described which Apollo 11 crew members walked on the moon.

On July 16, 1969, a small group of astronauts took one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind.

It’s been 45 years since Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong became the first people to walk on the moon, leaving those back on Earth to stare at their television screens in awe. The men spent two hours collecting lunar rocks to bring back home to Earth to study.

To commemorate the milestone, the Slooh Space Camera will broadcast live footage from the moon on Sunday, July 20, at 8:30 E.T.

Rarely-Seen Photos From Apollo 11’s Mission to the Moon

Buzz Aldrin during the initial inspection of the Lunar Module (LM) at about 055:41.
Buzz Aldrin during the initial inspection of the Lunar Module early in the mission. Buzz is wearing his intra-vehicular suit, designed to be as flame retardant as the rest of the ship, and made from the same fabric as the outer layer of the spacesuits.Mini-pan assembled by Jon Hancock; Photographs by Neil Armstrong—NASA
Buzz Aldrin in the Lunar Module
Buzz Aldrin in the LM.Neil Armstrong—NASA
A view of Earth during the mission's brief parking orbit before heading off to the moon.
A view of Earth during the mission's brief parking orbit before heading off to the moon.NASA
Command service module (CSM) in orbit over the moon after lunar module separation. Michael Collins was alone in the CSM. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were in the LM.
Command service module in orbit over the moon after lunar module separation. Michael Collins was alone in the Command Service Module. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were in the Lunar Module. NASA
One of three images taken from the LM during LM activation in lunar orbit, which were taken to make sure the film in the magazine would advance once they landed.
One of three images taken from the Lunar Module during spacecraft activation in lunar orbit. The pictures were taken to make sure the film in the magazine would advance once the crew landed.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
Down-Sun (west) view of lunar surface just after landing with the LM shadow, lunar horizon and a partial view of a shallow crater to the left of the LM shadow.
Down-Sun (west) view of the lunar surface just after landing with the Lunar Module shadow, lunar horizon and a partial view of a shallow crater to the left of the Lunar Module shadow.Neil Armstrong—NASA
The first photo taken of Buzz coming out through the hatch of the LM.
The first photo taken of Buzz coming out through the hatch of the Lunar Module . The US flag that Neil and Buzz will deploy later, is stowed in a long, thin canister attached to the underside of the lefthand rail of the ladder.Neil Armstrong—NASA
Buzz has both feet on the footpad. His communications antenna is visible.
Buzz has both feet on the footpad. His communications antenna is visible.Neil Armstrong—NASA
Buzz deploys the Solar Wind Collector (SWC), a foil sheet which he is pointing at the Sun. The word 'Shade' is printed on the bottom of the back side and 'Sun' is on the sunward side. At the end of the moon walk, after exposing the SWC to the Sun for about 1 hr 17 min, Buzz will roll up the foil and pack it in a bag for analysis back on Earth.
Buzz deploys the Solar Wind Collector, a foil sheet which he is pointing at the Sun. The word 'Shade' is printed on the bottom of the back side and 'Sun' is on the sunward side. At the end of the moon walk, after exposing the SWC to the Sun for about 1 hr 17 min, Buzz will roll up the foil and pack it in a bag for analysis back on Earth.Neil Armstrong—NASA
A close-up of the lunar surface with Buzz's boot and footprint. He took this photo right after the iconic foot print image.
A close-up of the lunar surface with Buzz's boot and footprint. He took this photo right after the iconic footprint image.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
The lunar surface and horizon with the NASA TV camera visible just left of center.
The lunar surface and horizon with the NASA TV camera visible just left of center.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
This photograph is the first in a sequence of pictures Neil took of Buzz carrying the EASEP out to the deployment site a short way south of the spacecraft.
This photograph is the first in a sequence of pictures Neil took of Buzz carrying part of the mission's experiment package out to the deployment site a short way south of the spacecraft. The piece of equipment in his right hand is a laser reflector, used to measure the Earth-moon distance precisely. A seismometer package is in Buzz's left hand.Neil Armstrong—NASA
Buzz has now deployed both the east and west solar panels on the seismometer.
Buzz has now deployed both the east and west solar panels on the seismometer. He is looking toward the LM, perhaps to get a reference for his alignment.Neil Armstrong—NASA
Post-deployment documentation photo of the LRRR with the stereo camera perched on a flat-topped rock in the background.
Post-deployment documentation photo of the laser reflector with the stereo camera perched on a flat-topped rock in the background. As of December 2010, the retroreflectors were still being used in conjunction with a dedicated facility at the MacDondald Observatory in Texas.Neil Armstrong—NASA
No other Apollo photograph has been reproduced as often as this portrait of Buzz.
No other Apollo photograph has been reproduced as often as this portrait of Buzz. Neil is, of course, visible in reflection on Buzz's visor. Buzz has his left arm raised and is probably reading the checklist sewn on the wrist cover of his glove.Neil Armstrong—NASA
A shot of the LM with the equipment bay in the shadowed area at right center and the rockbox on the right-front corner.
A shot of the Lunar Module with the equipment bay in the shadowed area at right center and the rockbox on the right-front corner.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
View of Earth over the LM. There is some uncertainty about who took these pictures of Earth. Australia is visible in sunlight on the left side of the Earth.
View of Earth over the Lunar Module. There is some uncertainty about who took these pictures of Earth. Australia is visible in sunlight on the left side of the Earth.NASA
Buzz is preparing to remove the seismometer from the lefthand compartment in the equipment bay. He used a pulley-mounted tape to raise the door which can be seen above the right side of the bay. The tape is visible to his right, draped over a LM strut.
Buzz is preparing to remove the seismometer from the lefthand compartment in the equipment bay. He used a pulley-mounted tape to raise the door which can be seen above the right side of the bay. The tape is visible to his right, draped over a Lunar Module strut.Neil Armstrong—NASA
One of two photos Neil took of Buzz saluting the U.S. flag. Buzz's fingertips are visible on the far side of his faceplate.
One of two photos Neil took of Buzz saluting the U.S. flag. Buzz's fingertips are visible on the far side of his faceplate.Neil Armstrong—NASA
After finishing at the equipment bay, Neil joined Buzz at the ladder. Buzz gave the camera to Neil, who took four frames of the commemorative plaque on the ladder strut and three pictures of the bulk sample area. This is the first of the plaque photos.
After finishing at the equipment bay, Neil joined Buzz at the ladder. Buzz gave the camera to Neil, who took four frames of the commemorative plaque on the ladder strut and three pictures of the bulk sample area. This is the first of the plaque photos.Neil Armstrong—NASA
The black shadow of the LM is silhouetted against the Moon's surface in this photograph taken out Neil's window after they had returned to the LM.
The black shadow of the Lunar Module is silhouetted against the Moon's surface in this photograph taken out Neil's window after the crew had returned to the LM. Impressions in the lunar soil made by the lunar boots of the two astronauts are clearly visible.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
Buzz took this picture of Neil in the cabin after the completion of the EVA.
Buzz took this picture of Neil in the cabin after the completion of the moonwalk. Neil has his helmet off but has not yet removed his "Snoopy" cap. The circuit breaker panels are illuminated, and a small floodlight is on at the lower right.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
Buzz has handed the camera back to Neil again who attempts to make a portrait of Buzz in the cabin.
Buzz has handed the camera back to Neil again who attempts to make a portrait of Buzz in the cabin. The extremely bright light coming through the window is being reflected off of the lunar surface.Neil Armstrong—NASA
Neil documents the surface experiments south of the LM.
Neil documents the surface experiments south of the Lunar Module. Two components of the equipment package they left behind are seen: the seismograph (left) and the laser reflector (right).Neil Armstrong—NASA
A view of the U.S. flag, deployed on the surface of the Moon and the deployed black and white lunar surface television camera which televised the lunar surface extravehicular activity in the background.
A view of the U.S. flag, deployed on the surface of the Moon and the deployed black and white lunar surface television camera which televised the lunar surface extravehicular activity in the background.Buzz Aldrin—NASA
Earth from lunar orbit, probably not long after Rev 4 Earthrise.
Earth from lunar orbit, probably not long after Rev 4 Earthrise.NASA

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