Mornings Must Reads: July 10

2 minute read

  • Israelis in Tel Aviv Remain Defiantly Blase as Barrages From Gaza Bring Conflict Closer [WashPost]
    • “Israeli air strikes killed eight members of a family including five children in a pre-dawn raid on Gaza on Thursday, Palestinian officials said, while Hamas-led fighters launched rockets at Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities.” [Reuters]
  • Patchwork Makeup of Rebels Fighting Ukraine Makes Peace Talks Elusive [NYT]
  • “Chinese hackers in March broke into the computer networks of the United States government agency that houses the personal information of all federal employees…They appeared to be targeting the files on tens of thousands of employees who have applied for top-secret security clearances.” [NYT]
  • U.S. Military Sends Scouting Party Into the Twitterverse [TIME]
  • “President Barack Obama called on Congress to swiftly approve nearly $4 billion in supplemental funding to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors at the Southwest border Wednesday, saying lawmakers need to set aside politics to solve the problem.” [TIME]
    • Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border [NYT]
    • GOP Divided Over $3.7 Billion Bill [Hill]
  • “As Democrats and Republicans start mobilizing efforts to prevent highway projects from stalling next month, they are struggling to keep legislative efforts from running off the road.” [WSJ]
  • Specter of Gilded Age Tarnishes VA Reform [National Journal]
  • Prettier in Print
  • “Israeli air strikes killed eight members of a family including five children in a pre-dawn raid on Gaza on Thursday, Palestinian officials said, while Hamas-led fighters launched rockets at Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities.” [Reuters]
  • Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border [NYT]
  • GOP Divided Over $3.7 Billion Bill [Hill]
  • Cover: “World War Zero: How Hackers Fight To Steal Your Secrets” by Lev Grossman
  • Wall Street Values Are Strangling American Business” by Rana Foroohar
  • The Students Vs. The Unions” by Joe Klein
  • Going to Extremes in Gaza” by Karl Vick
  • Washington State’s Pox Paradox” by Alex Altman
  • Boxed In At the Border” by Michael Scherer
  • 10 Questions With 3 Space Station Astronauts” by Jeffrey Kluger
  • More Must-Reads from TIME

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