Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams Quarreled While Filming ‘The Notebook’

2 minute read

Even though the pair would go on to date for four years, The Notebook stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams initially fought during the romcom’s filming.

In an interview with VH1, The Notebook director Nick Cassavetes admits Gosling wanted McAdams replaced:

Maybe I’m not supposed to tell this story, but they were really not getting along one day on set. Really not. And Ryan came to me, and there’s 150 people standing in this big scene, and he says, “Nick come here.” And he’s doing a scene with Rachel and he says, “Would you take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with me?” I said, “What?” He says, “I can’t. I can’t do it with her. I’m just not getting anything from this.”

After a screaming match, the two apparently worked things out:

We went into a room with a producer; they started screaming and yelling at each other. I walked out. At that point I was smoking cigarettes. I smoked a cigarette and everybody came out like, “All right let’s do this.” And it got better after that, you know? They had it out… I think Ryan respected her for standing up for her character and Rachel was happy to get that out in the open. The rest of the film wasn’t smooth sailing, but it was smoother sailing.

The pattern of arguing passionately and then falling in love sounds a bit like the characters they played, Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun. So keep stoking the flames of hope, fans–maybe it’s still destined that they’ll get back together some day. On a dock in the rain, we hope.



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