Watch Erykah Badu Try to Kiss a Reporter on Live TV

1 minute read

Last week, news anchor Mario Diaz was reporting on Shia LaBeouf’s arrest for “disruptive behavior” at a Broadway show when a woman crashed his segment for New York’s PIX11. That woman turned out to be singer Erykah Badu:

She also made sure to include some lewd gestures in the background:

When people began asking Badu on Twitter if this prankster was really her, she initially denied it. Eventually, though, she came clean and apologized:

Diaz didn’t seem to recognize Badu during the segment, but he later responded to her tweet with some Prince lyrics:

He also could have quoted lyrics from Badu herself: “I want somebody to walk up behind me / And kiss me on my neck.” Though actually, he clearly didn’t want that.

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