• World

Police To Question Murdoch Over Phone Hacking After Trial

1 minute read

Rupert Murdoch will reportedly face questions from Scotland Yard as investigators extend their probe into News of the World, a Murdoch-owned British tabloid embroiled in an expansive phone-hacking scandal.

The Guardian reports that investigators have officially requested an interview with Murdoch, according to sources close to the investigation. Murdoch will reportedly undergo the interview “under caution,” a legal warning that signals to the interviewee he is a suspect in the investigation and his answers can be used as evidence in court.

The news comes just after a court found former News of the World editor Andy Coulson guilty of conspiring to hack phones. Handwritten documents suggested that Coulson had attempted to target upwards of 5,500 people. The conviction of a senior editor heightens the risk that the Murdoch’s company itself, News UK, and its senior managers could be held liable for the hacking scandal under UK law.

[The Guardian]



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