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This 80-Year-Old Agave Plant Is About to Bloom

1 minute read

There’s a giant agave plant in Michigan. Its stalk is fully 25 feet tall (where most agave plants fall between 15’ and 30’), it’s 80 years old, and it’s on the cusp of blooming.

As you might imagine, hardcore horticulturists are ecstatic—blooming, you might say.

“We’ve experienced a more than 50% increase in our visitors compared to the same time frame last year,” said Joe Mooney, spokesman for the University of Michigan’s Nichols Arboretum, told USA Today. “We’ll run another report when the agave is finished and my guess is that it will be even better than a 50% increase.”

Unfortunately, the plant will die after it flowers, although it will leave behind many clones of itself, and potentially thousands of seeds (some of which visitors will be able to buy).

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Write to Bijan Stephen at bijan.stephen@gmail.com