Today’s Google Doodle Was Drawn By a Kid

1 minute read

Today’s Google Doodle is the winner of the Doodle 4 Google contest, which invited kids from all over the country to draw a Google logo depicting something that could help make the world a better place.

The winning doodle was drawn by Audrey Zhang, 11, from New York, and depicts an imaginary water purifying system. “To make the world a better place, I invented a transformative water purifier,” Audrey said in her drawing description on the contest’s website. “It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers, lakes, and even oceans, then massively transforms the water into clean, safe and sanitary water, when humans and animals drink this water, they will live a healthier life.”

Audrey won a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant for her school, and $25,000 was donated in her name to a charity that helps provide clean water to schools in Bangladesh.

You can watch more about the contest and Audrey’s drawing here:

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