Russell Simmons to Justin Bieber: Please Meditate

1 minute read

Russell Simmons is already a guru in the worlds of hip-hop, poetry, comedy and fashion. But he went even further in a guru-like direction with the publication of his most recent book Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple. The way Simmons sees it, he wouldn’t be the mogul he is today if he hadn’t learned to meditate. (His producer buddy Rick Rubin introduced him to it, apparently.)

In the interview Simmons talked about why he’d love Bieber and Kim Kardashian to meditate (it’s a power thing); he also considered whether meditating had made him too soft to be a hip hop entrepreneur and his favorite yoga pose. In the fuller version of the interview, available to subscribers here, Simmons gives some interesting advice to Hollywood, suggests a way of reducing the number of black men in prison and explains why he’s not one of the 1%.

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