Area Teen Says She ‘Will Die’ If She Has to Wake Up Any Earlier for School

1 minute read

17-year-old Missouri high school student Jilly Dos Santos hated waking up so early to make it into school by 7:50 a.m. So when she heard her district was thinking about pushing the start time up to 7:20 a.m., she simply could not stand for it.

“I thought, if that happens, I will die,” Dos Santos told the New York Times. “I will drop out of school!”

Instead of begging her mom to let her sleep later or taking ill-timed naps to compensate for her lack of sleep, she decided to do something heroic: Dos Santos got her school’s start time pushed back until 9 a.m. Now she doesn’t have to die–and she can sleep in. It’s a win/win.

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