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Complaints Sent To Domino’s Pizza Show The Real First World Problems [VIDEO]

1 minute read

The Oxford Dictionary defines “First World problem” as “a relatively trivial or minor problem … implying a contrast with serious problems such as those that may be experienced in the developing world.” But the TL; DR of that dictionary entry might look something like the new video by YouTube Stuntbear.

In the video, Stuntbear kicks the First World problem meme up a notch with an awareness-raising video that transposes real complaints written on Australia’s Domino’s Pizza Facebook page against images of real human suffering.

It’s funny — and sad — because it’s true.

MORE: #FirstWorldProblems, as Read by Poverty-Stricken Haitians

MORE: Oxford Dictionaries Adds ‘Deets’, ’4G’ and ‘First World Problems’

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