Poll: One In Three Christians Giving Up Technology for Lent

1 minute read

Your Instagram feed might be a little thinner in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, because 31% of Lent-observing Christians say they’re giving up technology for Lent, making it officially a more popular sacrifice than chocolate.

According to a new study by market research firm the Barna Group found that of the 17% of Christians who are fasting for Lent, 30% planned to give up chocolate, but 31% planned to nix technology. The tech purge includes social networks (16%,) smartphones (13%,) TV and video games (21%) and the internet (9%.) By comparison, less than 2% of respondents had planned to give up sex, smoking and swearing between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.

For the record, 30% of respondents said they’d give up chocolate, and 28% said they’d do without meat. In general, food restrictions were still the most popular sacrifice (88% said they’d give up a food for Lent.) But technology fasts were still most popular among Baby Boomers, with 39% saying they’d give up some kind of tech.

Does that mean no more Pope selfies?

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Write to Charlotte Alter at charlotte.alter@time.com