Winning at Bieber Pong Is All That Matters

1 minute read

In the walk-up to the Feb. 21 USA vs. Canada men’s hockey game at the Sochi Winter Olympics, a “Loser Keeps Bieber” billboard went viral in Chicago, raising the stakes and getting fans at home pumped for the match.

Now, SF Weekly points out that you can keep the faux wager alive online via, a website with a Justin Bieber-themed version of Pong, the old arcade video game.

Choose whether you’re playing for Team USA or Team Canada. The pop star’s disembodied, sunglasses-wearing head is hit back and forth by paddles in the pattern of the two countries’ flags. So if you have ever felt like Bieber could use a good smack on the head while reading stories about the pop star lunging at photographers or urinating in a mop bucket while cursing out a former president — now you can (virtually speaking).

Think you’ll never win? Never say never.

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