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Cat Reportedly Attacks Man Because It Didn’t Like His Hugo Boss Aftershave

2 minute read

Cats are fickle creatures. Buy the wrong cat food, he will ignore you for a day. Wear the wrong cologne, and he will attack your face.

At least that’s what 44-year-old father of two Ian Olver found when a neighbor’s cat, Blue, had a violent reaction to his new Hugo Boss Bottled Night. Olver doesn’t normally wear “posh” aftershave, but the one time he decided to trot out his Christmas gift? Cat attack.

Here’s Olver’s dramatic account, according to the Plymouth Herald:

I put on two or three squirts before going out but it wasn’t as though it was overpowering. But as soon as I was inside the cat leapt up off table and landed on the back of my head. I managed to fling it off but it jumped up to have another go. This time I managed to knock it away with my shoulder. It was only then that I touched the back of my head and saw my hand was covered in blood. It was so bad my wife called a paramedic out and then took me to hospital to have my cut glued together. I don’t have any animosity towards the cat I just think it had a really bad reaction to the aftershave. I thought it was a nice smell – but obviously the cat didn’t agree.

Blue’s owners say that the “cuddliest, most lovely cat we have” is sensitive to smell. He loves tobacco, vaseline makes him run away, and apparently Hugo Boss gives him bloodlust.

Unsurprisingly, Hugo Boss didn’t respond to the Plymouth Herald’s request for comment.

[Plymouth Herald]

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