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You Can Finally Play Minecraft on PS4, Xbox One and PS Vita in August

2 minute read

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners will finally be able to play console-tailored versions of the runaway-popular sandbox game Minecraft in just a few more months — before summer’s end, in fact.

Minecraft developer Mojang revealed this morning that versions of Minecraft for PS4, PS3, PS Vita and Xbox One, which it’s been prepping for some time, will all be available from their respective online stores in August. What’s more, the PS4 and Xbox One versions will arrive with “significantly bigger worlds and a greater draw distance” than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

If you want all the details broken down by platform, give Mojang’s post a look here, but in summary: the PS4 and Xbox One editions will include all the features found in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions and cost $20 each, or just $5 if you’re upgrading (Mojang’s giving everyone a one-year period, starting at the release date in August, to take advantage of the upgrade offer). PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will also be able to import worlds created on those platforms, but not vice versa. Cross-platform play will not be supported, and Mojang’s saying some (but not necessarily all) of any downloadable content purchased for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will be transferable, pending licensing decisions.

Vita owners who picked up the PS3 version of Minecraft will get it free, the PS3 + Vita Edition will run $20 and saves are transferable between the PS3 and Vita edition, so you can play on the PS3, then pick up and play on the go with the Vita if you so choose.

Minecraft across all platforms is the third-bestselling video game of all time (after Tetris and Wii Sports, but before Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart Wii and more recently, Grand Theft Auto V). The game was originally released in 2009, but as word spread and versions arrived for mobile platforms like iOS and Android, it’s gone on to become the most popular indie game ever released.

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Write to Matt Peckham at matt.peckham@time.com