Photojournalism Daily: Nov. 6, 2014

2 minute read

Today’s daily Photojournalism Links collection highlights Mark Peterson‘s work from the road with Sen. Mitch McConnell. The photographer followed the Kentucky senator and his supporters during the last day of campaigning for Tuesday’s midterm elections, as well as the victory celebrations on the Election Day itself. Peterson provides a look into the frenzy in the final hours of Election Night.

Mark Peterson: On the road with Mitch McConnell (MSNBC)

Christopher Morris: Inside Senator Mitch McConnell’s Winning Campaign (TIME LightBox) The TIME contract photographer was also on McConnell’s campaign trail.

Matías Costa: After the Panama Canal Zone (The New Yorker Photo Booth) Intriguing photographs on United States’ old colonial area in Panama and its former inhabitants.

Kim Raff: Youth Rodeo In Utah (The New York Times) Fascinating pictures of a surprising youth sport in Utah.

Tsering Topgyal: Tibet’s Exiles (NBC News) Poignant photographs of a Tibetan exile community in India.

Josef Koudelka: the man who risked his life to photograph the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia – in pictures (The Guardian) The legendary Czech photographer’s work will be on display at the Getty Center in Los Angeles from Nov. 11 to March 22, 2015.

Photojournalism Links is a compilation of the most interesting photojournalism found on the web, curated by Mikko Takkunen, Associate Photo Editor at TIME. Follow him on Twitter @photojournalism.

Senator Mitch McConnell with his wife, former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Sen. Rand Paul, in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 3, 2014.
Senator Mitch McConnell with his wife, former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Sen. Rand Paul, in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 3, 2014.Mark Peterson—Redux for MSNBC
Supporters of Sen. Mitch McConnell attend a campaign rally at Bowling Green-Warren Co. Regional Airport in Bowling Green, Ky. on Nov. 3, 2014.
Supporters of Sen. Mitch McConnell attend a campaign rally at Bowling Green-Warren Co. Regional Airport in Bowling Green, Ky. on Nov. 3, 2014. Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
Youth rodeo, a nine-month-a-year sport, is as much of a way of life in Ogden, Utah, as it is an extracurricular activity. Here, from left, brothers Ridge, 5, Rustry, 11, and Jager Rinderknecht, 13, practiced in the parking lot before a competition, Oct. 14, 2014.
Youth rodeo, a nine-month-a-year sport, is as much of a way of life in Ogden, Utah, as it is an extracurricular activity. Here, from left, brothers Ridge, 5, Rustry, 11, and Jager Rinderknecht, 13, practiced in the parking lot before a competition, Oct. 14, 2014.Kim Raff—The New York Times/Redux
Discarded buses litter a field at the former Howard Air Force Base, in Panama, which closed in 1999.
Discarded buses litter a field at the former Howard Air Force Base, in Panama, which closed in 1999. Matías Costa—Panos
An exile Tibetan nun Namdak Choeying, 44, prays in her room that she shares with two other nuns in Dharmsala, India. Back home in Tibet she aspired to be a fully ordained nun and escaped to India in 2006. Her five siblings and aged parents live in Tibet and she dreams about being reunited with them. Choeying said she immerses herself in prayers to keep her mind occupied. Sept. 27, 2014.
An exile Tibetan nun Namdak Choeying, 44, prays in her room that she shares with two other nuns in Dharmsala, India. Back home in Tibet she aspired to be a fully ordained nun and escaped to India in 2006. Her five siblings and aged parents live in Tibet and she dreams about being reunited with them. Choeying said she immerses herself in prayers to keep her mind occupied. Sept. 27, 2014.Tsering Topgyal—AP
Warsaw Pact tanks invade Prague, Aug. 1968.
Warsaw Pact tanks invade Prague, Aug. 1968.Josef Koudelka—Magnum

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