University of Minnesota
Co-Authors of the Cooperative Contemporary Affairs Test for the American Council on Education
(Copyright, 1936, by Time Inc.)
This test is reprinted in TIME to enable TIME readers to prove their own knowledge of Current Affairs by the same test that was used in hundreds of schools at the end of the last term. Additional copies are available for group programs, on request to TIME’S Chicago office, 350 East 22nd Street.
In recording your answers, do not make any marks at all opposite the questions. Use one of the answer sheets printed alongside of the test. In all, answer sheets for six persons are provided.
After you have taken the test, you can check your replies against the correct answers printed on the last page of this test, entering the number of your right answers as your score on your answer sheet. This test is given under the honor system—no peeking allowed.
For each of the questions five possible answers are given. You are to select the best answer and put its number on the line at the right of the number of the question on the answer sheet. Example: 0. The President of the U. S. is (1 Coolidge, 2 Roosevelt, 3 Morgan, 4 Garner, 5 Hoover). Roosevelt is the correct answer. Since the number of this question is 0, the number 2—standing for Roosevelt—has been placed at the right of 0 on the answer sheet.
1. William Edgar Borah is U. S. Senator for (1 Utah, 2 Wyoming, 3 Illinois, 4 Idaho, 5 Montana).
2. The soldiers’ bonus was paid June 15 in (1 “printing press” money, 2 silver certificates, 3 Baby Bonds, 4 gold, 5 long term bonds).
3. A special House investigating committee revealed that commissions amounting to $2,000 per month were being paid to organizers of the (1 Townsend Plan, 2 National Union for Social Justice, 3 EPIC, 4 American Legion, 5 American Federation of Labor).
4. New Jersey’s Governor Harold Giles Hoffman was threatened with impeachment because he (1 denounced the Constitution of the U. S., 2 supported the Wagner Labor Act, 3 insulted a U. S. district judge, misused WPA funds, S made extraordinary attempts to save the life of Bruno Hauptmann).
5. The former braintruster who openly criticized the President’s new tax program in his magazine, Today, is (1 Lew Douglas, 2 Raymond Moley, 3 Paul Warburg, 4 Donald Richberg, 5 T. Jefferson Coolidge).
6. Alfred E. Smith criticized the New Deal by saying that its policies were (1 contrary to the Party platform of 1932, 2 related to Republican tariff policies, 3 reactionary, 4 of greater help to foreign nations than to the U. S., 5 indirectly the cause of deflation).
7. The U. S. city famed for its incorruptible police system, low government cost, and Socialist mayor is (1 Minneapolis, 2 Omaha, 3 St. Louis, 4 Milwaukee, 5 Cleveland).
8. Forty-seven years after the flood which cost 2,200 lives and demolished the city, a similar flood taking an even greater toll of property ravaged the city of (1 Pittsburgh, Pa., 2 Hartford, Conn., 3 Johnstown, Pa., 4 Harper’s Ferry, Md., 5 Cincinnati, Ohio).
9. Gangsters Alvin Karpis and Harry Campbell were captured by federal agents under the personal direction of Department of Justice head (1 Grover Whalen, 2 William Burns, 3 Ellis Parker, 4 Pelham D. Glassford, 5 J. Edgar Hoover).
10. Democrats this year, as in 1932, selected as their keynoter at the national convention (1 Carter Glass, 2 Alben William Barkley, 3 Bennett Champ Clark, 4 Maury Maverick, 5 Joseph T. Robinson).
11. To thousands of Harlem Negroes God is (1 Aimee Semple McPherson, 2 Father Coughlin, 3 William Sunday, 4 Father Divine, 5 Wilbur Glenn Voliva).
12. The Chairman of the Senate Munitions Committee and leader in the fight for neutrality legislation was (1 Carter Glass, 2 Hiram Johnson, 3 Gerald P. Nye, 4 Maury Maverick, 5 Robert F. Wagner).
51 69 87
52 70 88
53 71 89
54 72 90
55 73 91
56 74 92
57 75 93
59 95
60 76 MUSIC
61 79 96
62 80 97
63 81 98
64 81 99
65 83 100
66 84 101
67 85 102
104 68 86 105
51 69 87
52 70 88
53 71 89
54 72 90
55 73 91
56 74 92
57 75 93
59 95
60 76 MUSIC 77 AND ART
78 96
61 79 97
62 80 98
63 81 99
64 82 100
65 83 101
66 84 102
67 85 103
68 86 105
13. President Roosevelt received cordial responses from most of the Latin-American executives to whom he wrote early in 1936 suggesting (1 abolition of the Monroe Doctrine 2 a Pan-American conference at Buenos Aires, 3 abolition of tariffs between nations in the western hemisphere, 4 a unilateral treaty of mutual assistance, 5 co-operation to restore order in Venezuela).
14. The chief issue stressed by former President Herbert Hoover in his pre-convention speeches was (1 President Roosevelt’s foreign policy, 2 the Tennessee Valley Authority 3 individualism versus the New Deal, 4 the failure of the Government to reduce tariffs, 5 the nomination of Frank Knox).
15. Two Henry of A. the Wallace leading and Robert candidates A. for the Taft, 2 William Republican E. Borah Presidential and Alfred nomination M. were Landon (1 3 Eugene Talmadge and Lester J. Dickinson, 4 Theodore Roosevelt Jr., and John W Davis, S Hiram Johnson and Bennett Champ Clark).
16. In his recent tax message to Congress President Roosevelt recommended a heavy tax on (1 moneys and credits, 2 incomes above $2,500 a year, 3 interstate business, 4 un distributed corporation profits, 5 all luxuries).
17. Of the eight Supreme Court decisions touching the New Deal program, the only two favorable to the Administration were on the (1 Guffey Coal Control Act and the Bankhead Act, 2 Wagner Labor Relations Act and the TVA, 3 AAA and NRA, 4 Gold Clause and the TVA, 5 Public Utility Act and the Housing Act).
18. Arthur H. Vandenberg recently continued his attack on the New Deal by asking (1 for an investigation of the TVA, 2 for new airmail contracts, 3 for a new foreign policy 4 for a list of all persons receiving AAA payments of $10,000 or more, S that all AAA payments be returned to the government).
19. The Supreme Court decision during February which upheld the freedom of the Press was on the case involving the (1 Louisiana gross advertising tax, 2 Child Labor Amendment, 3 Wagner Labor Relations Act, 4 Minnesota “Gag” law, 5 Illinois newsprint tax)
20. Southern Floridians protested the proposed ship canal across northern Florida for which Congress refused to appropriate funds because they believed it would (1 decrease thei water supply, 2 bring less business to the State, 3 be too costly to maintain, 4 be toe costly to construct, 5 increase the power of the Federal Government in the State).
21. Major General Johnson Hagood was relieved of his command by executive order fo (1 embezzlement, 2 criticizing the Works Progress Administration, 3 failure to maintain sanitary conditions in CCC camps, 4 making a speech in support of the Republican candidate for Governor of Texas, 5 writing an article for a national magazine criticizing the U. S. Army air forces).
22. As a result of disclosures concerning Washington lobbyists both the House and th Senate have passed bills (1 requiring registration of lobbyists, 2 making lobbying in the nation’s Capitol illegal, 3 requiring that all lobbyists post bonds, 4 requiring tha all lobbyists wear identification badges, S limiting the number of lobbyists to 100). 23. William Randolph Hearst clashed with the Senate lobby committee over its right to (1 force him to answer questions on the size of his income, 2 demand that he ceaseattacking the committee through his editorial columns, 3 revoke licenses of papers attacking the New Deal, 4 exclude his paid lobbyist from the halls of Congress, 5 seize tele grams which he had sent to employes).
24. The world’s greatest man-made lake was formed with the construction of (1 Muscl Shoals, 2 Boulder Dam, 3 Grand Coulee Dam, 4 Norris Dam, 5 Passamaquoddy Dam) 25. United Mine Worker President John L. Lewis leads the movement to organize 40,000, 000 workers in this country into (1 craft unions, 2 guilds, 3 industrial unions, 4 Labor Party, 5 a single union).
26. The two reasons cited by President Roosevelt as making necessary the new tax pro gram he urged upon Congress were the (1 invalidation of the AAA and passage of th Bonus, 2 necessity for continuing direct relief and the drop in tariff revenues, 3 emergency situation caused by the Eastern floods and the inability of the Treasury to place all of its last bond issue, 4 drop in Federal income from income and inheritance taxes 5 necessity for appropriating more money for public works and the flight of gold fror Washington).
27. The aim of the Big Thompson Transmountain Diversion Project is to (1 provide Sa Francisco with water, 2 build a ship canal, 3 expand the TVA, 4 electrify the railroad running across the Rocky Mountains, S irrigate the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains).
28. The city serving as host to the 1936 Republican National Convention was (1 New Oi leans, 2 Cleveland, 3 Boston, 4 Kansas City, 5 Chicago).
29. The present Neutrality Act exempts from the embargo on arms, munitions and implements of war (1 American republics at war with non-American states, 2 Great Britain 3 France and England, 4 Liberia, 5 a nation attacked by another).
30. Senator Millard E. Tydings, co-author of the Philippine independence act, introduced bill in Congress to grant freedom to (1 Haiti, 2 Costa Rica, 3 Panama, 4 Cuba, 5 Puert Rico).
31. The new farm aid bill differs from the invalidated AAA program in that it (1 double the benefits to farmers, 2 includes only cotton and grain, 3 provides that benefits be pai only to those who sign contracts with the Government, 4 provides benefits on the bas of total yield per acre, 5 will pay benefits on the basis of soil control).
32. Strongest opposition to the present farm aid bill was offered in Congress by representatives of the (1 dry farming areas, 2 cotton planters, 3 dairy interests, 4 whe; farmers, 5 sugar beet industry). FOREIGN NEWS
33. The new League of Nations’ center is in (1 London, 2 Paris, 3 Geneva, 4 Catalonia, 5 Berlin).
34. The British King who died in January was (1 Edward VII, 2 Henry IX, 3 George V, 4 William VI, 5 John V).
35. Britain’s Foreign Secretary who has led agitation for League sanctions against Italy is (1 Lord Eustace Percy, 2 Anthony Eden, 3 Sir Samuel Hoare, 4 Sir John Simon, 5 Stanley Baldwin).
36. Eleutherios Venizelos, who died recently in exile in Paris, was known as the father of (1 Yugoslavia, 2 the Greek Republic, 3 the New Turkey, 4 the Spanish Republic, 5 the New Poland).
37. The nation whose electorate returned a vote of 99% in favor of its foreign policy was (1 France, 2 England, 3 Italy, 4 Japan, 5 Germany).
38. The breach between Austrian Chancellor von Schuschnigg and Vice Chancellor von Starhemberg was widened early in May when the vice chancellor refused to (1 agree to the return of the Habsburg heir, 2 support the Chancellor’s move to effect an Austro-German union, 3 support a treaty of mutual assistance with Italy, 4 disband the Heimwehr, 5 resign his office).
39. The French Foreign Minister who represented France at the London and Geneva parleys on the Rhineland problem was (1 Albert Lebrun, 2 Pierre Laval, 3 Pierre Etienne Flandin, 4 Pierre Cot, 5 Eduard Daladier).
40. The chief cause of the recent increase in Britain’s income tax is the (1 huge new armament program, 2 lack of government income from tariffs due to the free trade policy, 3 depression in British industry, 4 failure of the Bank of England, 5 refusal of England to desert the gold standard).
41. By sending troops into the Rhineland early in March Germany violated the treaties of (1 London and St. Germain, 2 Lausanne and Stresa, 3 Vienna and Berlin, 4 Locarno and Versailles, S Paris and Geneva).
42. Mussolini recently strengthened his control over industrial Italy by (1 abolishing labor unions, 2 setting up a Fascist Council to determine wages and prices, 3 decreeing 100% taxation on all profits over 5%, 4 decreeing that Italian imports must not exceed 10% of exports, 5 nationalizing banks and large industries).
43. Niceto Alcala Zamora was recently forced to resign as President of (1 Spain, 2 Portugal, 3 Brazil, 4 Cuba, 5 Mexico).
44. The nations which finally signed a naval agreement at London in March were (1 England, France and Italy, 2 Italy, Germany and England, 3 England, the U. S. and France, 4 the U. S., England and Italy, 5 Japan, England and the U. S.).
45. Soviet Russia has charged that a secret treaty of military alliance exists between Japan and (1 China, 2 France, 3 England, 4 Germany, 5 Italy).
46. The Canadian Province of Alberta which elected W. C. Aberhart as Premier on a Social Credit platform recently (1 made the platform effective and began paying a $25-a-month dividend to every citizen, 2 defaulted payment on two bond issues, 3 refused to accept financial aid from the Dominion Treasury, 4 impeached its Premier, 5 prevailed upon the founder of Social Credit to assist in making the plan effective).
47. Following a similar action taken by Germany last spring, universal military conscription was announced early in April by (1 Austria, 2 Poland, 3 Hungary, 4 Bulgaria, 5 Italy).
48. Left Wing forces were victorious in recent parliamentary elections in (1 England and Germany, 2 Sweden and Austria, 3 France and Spain, 4 Spain and Italy, 5 Switzerland and Greece).
49. With the abolition of the Chamber of Deputies late in March the corporative state came one step nearer to fulfillment in (1 Austria, 2 Italy, 3 Germany, 4 France 5 Poland).
50. Hermann W. Goering was appointed by Hitler to supersede Dr. Hjalmar Schacht as (1 Air Minister, 2 Secretary of the National Socialist party, 3 Minister of Education,
4 Minister of the Interior, 5 Economic Dictator).
51. Following the Italian occupation of Addis Ababa, Mussolini announced that (1 Italy would move to capture the Sudan, 2 peace terms will be arranged by the League, 3 he would now transfer the Italian troops to the Austrian border, 4 Haile Selassie ‘could continue to rule, 5 Italy’s colonial aims were achieved).
52. The European nation with the largest peacetime army today, reputedly 1,300,000, is (1 France, 2 Germany, 3 Italy, 4 Russia, 5 England).
53. Plutarco Elias Calles, recently exiled to the U. S., was formerly the “Strong Man” of (1 Brazil, 2 Panama, 3 Mexico, 4 Cuba, 5 Venezuela).
54. The attempted coup by militarists in Japan early in March was precipitated by their resentment of (1 the sending of a civilian as Ambassador to China, 2 the strong showing of liberal parties in the recent elections, 3 the refusal of the Emperor to appoint a liberal as Premier, 4 the appointment of Koki Hirota as Minister of War 5 the action of Parliament in cutting army and navy budgets 25%).
55. While announcing the abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, Adolf Hitler offered a peace plan to France and Belgium in the form of a proposed (1 50% reduction in air forces by all three nations, 2 mutual guarantee of Belgian neutrality, 3 twenty-five year non-aggression pact, 4 naval disarmament treaty, 5 mutual assistance treaty).
56. A recent report charged that Turkey had violated the Treaty of Lausanne by (1 announcing universal military conscription, 2 sending troops into the demilitarized Dardanelles zone, 3 occupying a strip of territory ruled by France under a League mandate, 4 launching four new battleships, 5 denying the franchise to Armenians in Turkey).
57. Recent ineffectiveness of the League has caused European statesmen to consider revamping the Covenant to (1 deny membership to dominions and protectorates, 2 return the South American mandates to Germany, 3 disband the League’s international army, 4 revoke the League’s power to use force in applying sanctions, 5 cancel the membership
58. Fuad of I, all who died nations late that in failed April, to use was king force of in (1 applying Egypt, 2— sanctions Arabia, 3 against Morocco, Italy). 4 Libya, 5 Iran).
59. The treaty of mutual assistance signed between Soviet Russia and anAsiatic nation early this spring was designed to check Japanese aggression in (1 Manchukuo, 2 Chinese Turkestan, 3 Indo-China, 4 Outer Mongolia, 5 Tibet).
61. Rioting in feeling between Palestine (1 which caused pro-British a and number of pro-French deaths this factions, 2 spring was the monarchists and result of the republicans, 3 Arabs and Jews, 4 pro-Italian and pro-British factions, 5 Communists and Fascists) .
61. The most extensive busline business in the U. S. which last year earned net profits of over four and one half million dollars is the (1 Northland Transportation, 2 Transcontinental, 3 Santa Fe Trail, 4 Pan-American, 5 Greyhound Corporation).
62. The Harmon Trophy to the “World’s Outstanding Aviator” of 1935 went to (1 Edwin C. Musick, 2 Roscoe Turner, 3 Juan Ignacio Pombo, 4 Howard Hughes, 5 Henry F. Broadbent) .
63. The newest and largest lighter-than-air craft is the (1 Macon, 2 Los Angeles, 3 LZ-47, 4 Adolf Hitler, 5 Hindenburg) .
64. The British contender for the title of “largest ship afloat” which was built on the River Clyde and is now in active service is the (1 George V , 2 Glasgow, 3 Queen Mary, 4 Normandie, 5 Leviathan).
65. To stimulate traffic on railroads the Interstate Commerce Commission (1 ordered the merging of two large New York railroads to eliminate needless competition, 2 lowered passenger rates to two cents a mile, 3 permitted railroad companies to buy bus lines in certain competing areas, 4 ordered Diesel engines installed on all transcontinental trains, 5 raised the speed limit on trains to 100 m.p.h.).
66. Chairman Harry Guy Taylor of the Western Association of Railway Executives an nounced that during 1935 the number of passenger deaths resulting from train accidents was (1 nine thousand eight hundred one, 2 five hundred, 3 seventy-four, 4 two hundred seventy three, 5 zero).
67. The airplane manufacturing plant which has grown to be the world’s largest is the (1 Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle, Washington, 2 Henkel Manufacturing Company, Germany, 3 Sikorsky Airplane Company, Connecticut, 4 Douglas Aircraft Company, California, 5 ZTU Company, Russia).
68. Arthur Holly Compton is best known for his (1 contributions to the field of medicine, 2 flight to the stratosphere, 3 invention of a cheaper method of steel production, 4 prominence as President of the University of Chicago, 5 researches on cosmic rays).
69. The largest telescope mirror in the world will be ready for installation some time before 1940 in an observatory in (1 Berlin, 2 California, 3 Zurich, Switzerland, 4 Paris, 5 New York City).
70. Since 1930 the Guggenheim Fund has been paying expenses of Robert Hutchings Goddard’s experiments in the American desert near Roswell, New Mexico with (1 television, 2 dry farming, 3 rockets, 4 high compression gasoline engines, 5 malleable glass).
71. Dr. Franz Boas, who retires this year from the faculty of Columbia University where he served for 40 years, is noted for his work as (1 a physicist, 2 a surgeon, 3 an anthropologist, 4 a chemist, 5 a radiologist).
72. The world’s first regular daily television programs are scheduled to begin about July 1 in (1 Berlin, Germany, 2 Hollywood, California, 3 New York City, 4 North London, England, 5 Rome, Italy).
73. Because of their Socialist objections to throwing thousands of southern workers out of employment Inventors John and Mack Rust have refused to place on the open market their mechanical (1 sugar cane thresher, 2 cotton picker, 3 sugar beet digger, 4 weaver, 5 tobacco cutter).
74. The super-nova recently discovered by astronomers at Mt. Wilson Observatory was a (1 gigantic star explosion, 2 new constellation of five large stars, 3 second Milky Way, 4 part of Halley’s comet, 5 meteorite which fell in the Pacific).
75. Separation of hemoglobin, blood’s red coloring matter, from the blood serum would require 180 years by gravity sedimentation, but may be accomplished in six hours with DuPont’s new Svedberg (1 electro-condenser, 2 atom gun, 3 molecular magnet, 4 centrifuge, 5 chemical reducer).
0…2…. 18 34
1 19 35
2 20 36
3 21 37
4 22 38
5 23 39
6 24 40
7 25 41
8 26 42
9 27 43
10 28 44
11 29 4512 30 46
13 31 47
14 32 48
16 NEWS 50 17 33 OVER —
1 19 35
2 20 36
3 21 37
4 22 38
5 23 39
6 24 40
7 25 41
8 26 42
9 27 43
10 28 44
11 29 45
12 30 46
13 31 47
14 32 48
16 NEWS 50
17 33 OVER—
96. The famed conductor of the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra who retired at the close of the past season is (1 Dimitri Mitropoulos, 2 Arturo Toscamni, 3 Sergei Koussevitzky, 4 Eugene Ormandy, 5 Leopold Stokowski).
97. The 1935 annual award of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the best performance by an actor went to (1 Charles Laughton—Mutiny on the Bounty, 2 Charles Chaplin—Modern Times, 3 Leslie Howard—Petrified Forest, 4 Jean Hersholt — The Country Doctor, S Victor McLaglen—The Informer).
98. A celebrated operatic star whose recent retirement occasioned farewells and tributes from noted musicians and music-lovers is (1 Richard Crooks, 2 Nino Martini, 3 Rosa Ponselle, 4 Lucrezia Bori, 5 Lily Pons).
99. Things to Come—a cinematic prediction of life in the next 100 years—marks the debut as a screenwriter of (1 Aldous Huxley, 2 Herbert George Wells, 3 George Bernard Shaw, 4 Phyllis Bentley, S Storm Jameson).
100. The current Theatre Guild production and Pulitzer prize play—Idiot’s Delight by Robert Sherwood—is a satire on (1 war, fascism and nationalism, 2 the New Deal, 3 Hollywood, 4 big business in America, 5 the Townsend Plan).
101. A young musician who recently completed an around-the-world tour and will remain in retirement for two years to rest and study is (1 Yehudi Menuhin, 2 Inez Gorman, 3 Ruth Slenczinski, 4 Nelson Eddy, 5 Doris Humphrey).
102. Acquired by Manhattan’s Metropolitan Museum and considered “the most important purchase of a single piece of art ever made by the museum” was (1 The Artist’s Mother—Whistler, 2 American Gothic—Wood, 3 Mono. Lisa—da Vinci, 4 The Card Players—Cezanne, S Venus and the Lute Player—Titian).
103. Wilhelm Furtwangler did not assume directorship of the New York Philharmonic Symphony Society because (1 the salary was inadequate, 2 leading musicians declared him incompetent, 3 the National Broadcasting Company cancelled its contract to broadcast concerts, 4 subscribers threatened to boycott next season’s concerts because of his Nazi connections, 5 it was discovered that he had definite Communistic sympathies.
104. One of the best biographical motion pictures of 1935, in which Paul Muni plays the leading figure of a great Frenchman, is Warner Brothers’ (1 The Story of Louis Pasteur, 2 Briand, the Peacemaker, 3 The Tiger of France, 4 Radium’s Discovery, 5 The Magnificent Marshal Foch).
105. A 19th century French painter who is famous for the distinctive yellow coloring in his pictures which are being exhibited throughout the country is (1 Monet, 2 Picasso, 3 van Gogh, 4 La Forge, 5 El Greco).
The numerals printed in italics below are the correct answers to the 105 questions in the current affairs test. Check them against your answers and mark your errors and omissions with an X. Subtract the number of X’s from 105 to arrive at your score. For example, if you missed 45 questions, your score would be 105 minus 45, or 60. This is above the college average. Do not look at these answers until you have finished your answer sheet.
NATIONAL 19 …1 37 ..5… 57 73 89 AFFAIRS 20…1 38 .4.. 58 74 90 0 ..2… 21 .2.. 39 ..3… 59 75 91 1 .A… 22 .1.. 40 …1… 60 92 2 ..3… 23 .5.. 41 ..BUSINESS 93 3 ..1… 24 .2.. 42 …5… TRANSPORT & FINANCE 94 4 ..5… 25 .3.. 43 …1.. 76 95 5 ..2… 26 N 61 77 44 …3.. 9 62 78 Music 6 . .1… 27 7 ..4… 28 45 ..A.. T 63 79 AND ART 8 ..3… 29 46 …2.. 64 80 ..3.. 96 . .2… 9 …5… 30 ..5.. 47 …1.. 65 81 ..3.. 97 . .5… 10 …2… 31 ..5.. 48 …3.. P 66 82 .A.. 98 . A… 11 …4… 32 ..3.. 49 …2.. E 67 83 ..5.. 99 . .2… 12 …3… 50 …5.. E 84 ..3.. 100 .1… 51 SCIENCE 85 ..2.. 13 …2… FOREIGN …5.. K 101 .1… 14 …3.. NEWS 52 …4.. 68 ..5.. 102 .5… 15 …2.. 33 …3.. 53 …3.. 69 ..2.. BOOKS 54 103 A… 16 ..A.. 34 …3.. …2.. 70 ..3.. 86 …1.. 17 .A.. 35 …2.. 55 …3.. 71 ..3.. 87 …5.. 104 .1… 18 ..A… 36 …2.. 56 ..2.. 72 .A.. 88 …5. 105 .3..
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