2020 Election

Here Are the Issues the 2020 Democratic Candidates Are Tweeting About Most

2 minute read

With more than 20 candidates fighting for the presidential nomination of the U.S. Democratic party, it can be tough for presidential hopefuls to stand out and find their signature issue. Some have tried to capitalize on a certain topic while others try to cover all their bases, as seen in a recent analysis by the Washington Post.

The report looked at tweets from the candidates over a one-month time period (May 15 to June 15). Washington Gov. Jay Inslee was one of the candidates most tied to an issue, with 55% of his tweets being about climate change. Only Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard accomplished more with 70% of her tweets being about foreign policy.

Foreign policy is also the issue that’s most talked about by South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 22% of tweets mentioning it. Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke tweeted about immigration most (22%), while Sen. Kamala Harris capitalizes on social justice (27%).

Poll leader former Vice President Joe Biden is also big on climate change (37% of tweets mentioning it), while runner-up Sen. Elizabeth Warren concentrates on health care (22%). Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is currently head-to-head with Warren according to real Clear Politics poll averages, has a more diverse portfolio, never devoting more than 15% of tweets to any specific topic.

This article originally appeared on Statista. Read the original article here.

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