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A Delta Flight Had to Turn Around Because a Bird Got Into the Cockpit

1 minute read

An Atlanta-bound Delta flight was forced to turn around after a bird flew into the cockpit on Saturday.

Members of the flight crew saw a sparrow fly onto the plane before the flight took off from Detroit, and delayed the journey while they tried — unsuccessfully — to locate and remove the unwanted guest, Fox 5 Atlanta reports. The plane eventually took off, but the bird resurfaced in the cockpit during the flight, causing the pilot to turn around.

“Literally an hour into the flight, he goes, ‘I have an update that the bird is back and it’s going a little nuts in here in the cockpit and we do not feel safe continuing on this flight, so we’re going to go back to Detroit,'” passenger Brian Buonassissi told Click On Detroit.

Back in Detroit, a maintenance crew found and removed the bird, Fox 5 reports.

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Write to Jamie Ducharme at jamie.ducharme@time.com