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  • Congress

Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Says He Will Testify If Subpoenaed by Congress

1 minute read

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen said Tuesday that he had not been issued a subpoena by Congress but that he would testify if he were given one.

“In the event that I am subpoenaed to testify I would gladly comply as I have nothing to hide,” Cohen told TIME Tuesday.

Cohen did say that both the Senate and House intelligence committees have issued invitations for him to appear and to provide documents, but it was not a subpoena, and that he declined, claiming the questions were “too broad.”

ABC News first reported that he had been issued these invitations.

“There has not been a single witness, a shred of documentary investigation that links me to this nonsensical Russian conspiracy,” Cohen said.

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Write to Alana Abramson at Alana.Abramson@time.com