• Politics

President Trump’s Travel Ban Faced Its Toughest Test Yet

3 minute read

President Trump’s temporary ban on refugees and travel from seven countries faced its toughest test yet Tuesday as a federal appellate court heard arguments over whether to lift a nationwide injunction on its enforcement. The administration sought to argue that the delay in enforcement put national security at risk, while the President once again sought to undermine the judiciary by asserting that the court was playing politics. “If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Politics!” he tweeted Wednesday morning.

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway appeared in a marathon interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper Tuesday as she sought to push back on doubts about her credibility as a spokesperson for the president. The must-see 25-minute exchange features Conway pressured to admit that the network was not, as the president has said, “fake news,” and features the top aide declining to rebut allegations that the president has engaged in serially making false or unfounded statements. The testy interview comes as the White House struggles to regain control of the narrative following more than 10 days of bad press over the immigration order.

Why Betsy DeVos’ confirmation spells bad news for Democrats. Warren rebuked. And meet the judges.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation Signals Dark Times for Democrats
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Court Dubious of Government Arguments on Trump’s Travel Ban
A federal appeals court panel is expected to rule soon on the executive order barring refugees and visitors from seven Muslim countries [Politico]

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A free ad for Warren’s future campaigns [Washington Post]

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Sound Off

“The senator will take her seat.” — Sen. Steve Daines, presiding over the senate, instructing Sen. Elizabeth Warren to be seated after Republicans found her in violation of Senate rules

“He doesn’t tweet about everything.” — Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway on why the president didn’t tweet about last week’s attack on a Quebec mosque

Bits and Bites

This Climate Change Measure Has Fossil Fuel Companies and Green Groups Working Together [TIME]

What to Know About the 3 Judges Ruling on President Trump’s Immigration Order [TIME]

Department of Defense looks to rent space in Trump Tower [Washington Post]

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Trump meeting with airline CEOs to focus on jobs [USA Today]

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