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12 of the Most British Signs at Anti-President Trump Protests in the U.K.

2 minute read

Anti-Trump protests spread to the U.K. as British people took the streets to protest President Donald Trump‘s controversial executive order restricting immigration as well as British Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision to invite Trump for a state visit later this year. Understatement, sarcasm, passive aggressiveness and baffling slang abounded on signs all around, with protestors gathering everywhere from London to Scottish capital Edinburgh and many university towns in between. Also present: a surprising number of Love Actually fans.

Here are some of the best signs and their translations:

1.The U.K. Has Culture Wars Too

Glasgow: “You mom was an immigrant. You absolute fool.”

Cambridge: This is what a very, very angry Englishman sounds like.


2. Meanwhile, in Edinburgh…

Irn-Bru: For Scots, a delicious national soda . Non-Scots respectfully disagree.


3. Hugh Grant was the Obama Britain needed

4. The classics all came out.


5. The British P.M. got some fashion advice


6. At Downing St.

Wasteman = London slang for someone who doesn’t do very much with their life, spends all day on Twitter etc.


7. It all got a bit aggressive.

8. The Dealmaker

Avon representatives are lovely, somewhat irritating salespeople who really deserve better than this.


9. Obviously people complained about the weather.


10. The soft side of London came out

Translation: Muslims are friends too. Aww.

11. It’s a very special relationship.

12. Protect The Queen.

Well, quite.

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Write to Zamira Rahim at zamira.rahim@time.com