Donald Trump Says It’s Just Fine That His Nominees Are Disagreeing With Him

1 minute read

Many of Donald Trump‘s Cabinet nominees have been publicly parting ways with him on major issues at their confirmation hearings this week. But the President-elect says that’s just fine.

“All of my Cabinet nominee are looking good and doing a great job,” Trump said Friday morning on Twitter. “I want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts, not mine!”

This week of hearings on Capitol Hill has certainly shown that many of the picks aren’t just expressing Trump’s views. Nominees have distanced themselves from Trump’s remarks on such hot-button topics as foreign policy, immigration and the military. His Secretary of State pick disagrees with him on a key trade deal, his Defense Secretary pick wants to take a harsher stance on Russia, and his Attorney General nominee says the U.S. shouldn’t ban Muslim immigration to the United States.

Read More: How Donald Trump’s Cabinet Nominees Contradicted Him

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