Watch Jennifer Lawrence Do an Excellent Cher Impression on Ellen

1 minute read

Notoriously relatable actress Jennifer Lawrence has an interesting on-set quirk: she loves to burst into song. Specifically, Cher’s “Believe.”

On an episode of The Ellen Show with upcoming sci-fi drama film Passengers co-star Chris Pratt, the actress apologized for what she said must be an “annoying tic”—because she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it.

“No, it’s great! You just have an incredible singing voice,” the gracious Pratt assured her, although he admitted it could get difficult to remember his lines when she was serenading him, consciously or not. She even treated audiences to a piece of the song.

“I was like, I do, I believe in life after love, I get it,” Pratt added.

It turns out Pratt also has a hidden music talent: he can rap. But he cleverly avoided having to demonstrate his lyrical ways on the show by saying he would sweat too much.

Watch the full clip below.

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