• Entertainment

This Game of Thrones Actor Just Shut Down a Popular Fan Theory About His Comeback

2 minute read

Warning: This post contains spoilers for both the Game of Thrones TV show and George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series.

As an appearance by Lady Stoneheart on Game of Thrones has seemed to become less and less likely, some fans have taken the theory surrounding her introduction in a new direction — speculating that the zombified version of Catelyn Stark from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series would be replaced by her reanimated son, Robb Stark.

However, during a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Richard Madden — who played the Young Wolf before he was murdered at the Red Wedding in season 3 — put those rumors to rest. When asked about the possibility of his return to the HBO drama, the 30-year-old actor revealed that if showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have been planning it, they haven’t told him.

“I’ve not heard anything, of course. I suppose I wouldn’t have the phone call, because they’re very secretive about everything,” he told THR. “I feel very, very proud to have been a part of that. But Robb Stark had such a great storyline, three seasons where he had this great start, middle and end to his character, and it set up such a great purpose to the show up to that point. Every character really progresses the show along. Now I can just watch it and enjoy it.”

And to top it all off, Madden isn’t even sure he would want to come back.

“I don’t know, I’d have to read…,” he replied when asked about playing his resurrected character. “I stopped reading the books a couple years ago because the show kept changing and I’d much rather just watch it and see what came next.”


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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com