• Politics

Hillary Clinton Heads Back on the Trail

3 minute read

If you only read one thing: Hillary Clinton returns to the campaign trail today after a three-day absence to recover from her pneumonia diagnosis. Aides said she used the time to “sharpen” her message to voters for the final push to Election Day. Her speech in North Carolina today “will focus on what has been at the core of who Hillary Clinton is as a person and the mission of her campaign—how we lift up our children and families and make sure that every child has the chance to live up to their God given potential,” communications director Jennifer Palmieri said. The campaign “readily admits” it’s having trouble getting its message across when running against a candidate like Donald Trump.

Trump is set to deliver a “comprehensive” economic speech today in New York City, aides said, as he seeks to combine his various economic proposals into a coherent plan. Trump aides offered a preview, except they spent the 15 minute call pushing back on criticism of Trump’s calls to reform trade agreements and hold China accountable as a currency manipulator rather than providing any details. Trump has yet to outline a fiscally stable economic plan. The components of what he has already released would dramatically cut revenues through tax cuts, while expanding outlays on everything from childcare to infrastructure and massive military rearmament.

2016 is the year late night is taking sides, Richard Zoglin writes on the cover of this week’s magazine. Speaking of late night, Trump is set to tape an appearance with Jimmy Fallon Thursday, while Clinton will appear on the show on Friday.

Bill Clinton has lost some of his juice. Trump gets cut off. And Melania says she immigrated legally—on an H-1B visa, of the type her husband wants to curtail.

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Sound Off

“It is hot and it is always hot when I perform, because the crowds are so big, these rooms were not designed for this kind of crowd. I don’t know folks, do you think Hillary could stand up here for an hour?” — Donald Trump alluding to Clinton’s health at a rally in Ohio

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint, not give a political speech.” — Rev. Faith Green Timmons, the pastor of the Bethel United Methodist Church, cutting off Trump as he spoke in Flint, Mich., Wednesday

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