Why Donald Trump is Going to Mexico

3 minute read

If you only read one thing: The 2016 election never ceases to surprise. Last night Donald Trump announced a hastily planned trip to Mexico Wednesday to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto. The pair are unlikely “partners,” with Trump frequently maligning Mexico in his stump speech and Peña Nieto previously likening him to Hitler and Mussolini. The meeting is a gamble for both men, who face deep unpopularity in their home countries, and for whom a wild sparring match could be just as politically advantageous as a staid diplomatic visit. Trump aides are hoping to show he is a “leader” on his second foreign trip as a candidate. (The first being his visit to open his golf course in Scotland in June.) But it also comes as Trump is set to “clarify” his positions on immigration Wednesday evening in Phoenix and as he seeks to broaden his appeal to Hispanic voters.

Hillary Clinton will be hitting pause on a streak of fundraising events Wednesday as she returns to the trail to deliver a speech critical of Trump’s foreign policy vision. Clinton will cite her commitment to U.S. alliances and maintaining a military presence around the world as areas where she deviates from Trump, while highlighting the growing list of GOP foreign policy officials who have endorsed her candidacy.

Team Clinton prematurely celebrates. More discovered emails raise questions about Clinton’s use of her private server. And the Democratic nominee dances.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Donald Trump to Meet With Mexico’s President Wednesday
Just hours before a major immigration address [TIME]

State Department Says 30-Odd Hillary Clinton Emails Could Be Linked to Benghazi
Messages were among the 15,000 emails turned over by the FBI [Wall Street Journal]

Clinton Camp Thinks Trump Fell for Old Trick
But isn’t it too soon to celebrate? [Politico]

Clinton Plans to Slam Trump as a Dangerous Isolationist in American Legion Speech
As Trump makes his second foreign visit as a candidate [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“This is the first time I’ve paid to hear myself sing.” — Paul McCartney at a Hillary Clinton fundraiser Tuesday. He also danced with the candidate.

“I will concede Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a corporate stooge. There you go.” — Tim Canova, the primary challenger to the former DNC chair on losing his bid Tuesday

Bits and Bites

Trump’s Top Fundraiser Eyes the Deal of a Lifetime [Bloomberg]

How Much Is Donald Trump Hurting the G.O.P.? Here’s a Way to See [The Upshot]

President Obama Shortens Sentences for 111 Prisoners [TIME]

FBI Will Release Documents on Hillary Clinton Email Server Investigation [Associated Press]

Maine Governor Paul LePage Won’t Rule Out Resigning After He Left Obscene Voicemail [Associated Press]

Tim Kaine Presses Donald Trump on Health, Mocking a Doctor’s Letter [New York Times]

Latino influx is upending GOP politics in the battleground of Florida [Washington Post]

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