• Politics

Poll: 3 Out of 5 Texan Trump Supporters Want Secession if Hillary Clinton Is Elected

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Updated: | Originally published: ;

Correction Appended, Aug 17 2016

If Hillary Clinton became the President of the United States, three out of five Donald Trump supporters in Texas would support a bid by the state to secede from the Union, according to a new poll.

Trump is leading in the state with 50% of voters, while the Democrat has 44% of voters, according to the survey released Tuesday by the Democratic pollster Public Policy Polling. According to the poll, 61% of Trump supporters would want the state to secede if Clinton became president. Overall, 40% of Texans would support secession if Clinton is victorious in November.

The survey found that Texans have an overall unfavorable opinion of both of the candidates, with 59% for Clinton and 53% for Trump.

Trump’s lead is based entirely on him holding a 63% to 33% advantage among the state’s seniors, according to PPP. Clinton leads Trump among voters under 65 by a four point advantage.

PPP, known for asking often humorous questions on surveys, inserted fictional candidates Deez Nuts and Harambe, the fallen gorilla who has achieved internet fame since his death, into a four-way poll. Trump received 47% of the vote, Clinton 38%, Deez Nuts 3% and Harambe 2 percent.

The survey was conducted August 12th to 14th among 944 likely voters int he state of Texas, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2%.

Correction: The original version of this story misstated the poll’s findings. It found that three out of five Texans who support Trump would want the state to secede if Clinton wins the election.

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