• Politics

Chelsea Clinton Would Consider a ‘Daughters Summit’ With Ivanka Trump

2 minute read

Chelsea Clinton said Thursday that she would consider meeting with Ivanka Trump to discuss the tone of the presidential campaign between their parents Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

“It isn’t something that had occurred to me, but it’s something I would consider,” Chelsea Clinton said on the Today show, when asked about convening a “children’s summit” or “daughters summit” to discuss the tone of the campaign.

“I think it was clear last week when Ivanka introduced her dad that she’s so proud of him,” Chelsea Clinton said, discussing her plans to introduce her mother on Thursday evening when she officially accepts the Democratic nomination.

Much has been made of the friendship the daughters shared before the campaign began, and Chelsea Clinton said Tuesday that she still considers Ivanka Trump a friend. She raised questions earlier this week about a main talking point in Ivanka Trump’s convention speech last week.

“I hope it will be, kind of, at least as clear why I’m so proud of my mom when I introduce her here in Philadelphia,” she said. “And yet, clearly Ivanka and I have very different views about who we think should be our president.”

Asked whether she would consider talking to Ivanka Trump about her father bringing up “some of the darkest moments of your family’s past,” Chelsea Clinton said she doesn’t expect Ivanka Trump to answer for everything he does.

“I don’t expect her to always have to defend her father,” Clinton said said.

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Write to Katie Reilly at Katie.Reilly@time.com