Donald Trump to Name Vice President Friday in New York

1 minute read

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump will name his running mate Friday at an event in New York City, campaign aides confirmed Wednesday evening.

The announcement will cap a months-long reality-television contest, in which Trump has auditioned and interviewed his potential vice-presidential selections. Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort first announced the news to reporters as he arrived back in Cleveland from Indianapolis, where Trump had met with Indiana Governor Mike Pence and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, two of the finalists for the position.

Trump also spoke Wednesday with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a short-list member who was in Washington, D.C., in his role as chair of Trump’s transition effort. Two more aides confirmed the timing.

In his public comments on the selection, Trump has been coy and occasionally contradictory, telling the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that he was seeking an “attack dog” on the ticket, before reversing himself Wednesday in an interview with Fox News.

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