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China Slams the South China Sea Decision as a ‘Political Farce’

5 minute read

The good folk of Papua New Guinea and Guinea Bissau are on China’s side. So are the Syrians, the Venezuelans and the Cameroonians. As Beijing dealt with the full force of an international tribunal’s overwhelming rejection of China’s claims to the South China Sea, Chinese state media marshaled everyone from Croatian and Serbian analysts to Russian and Angolan commentators to condemn the July 12 ruling in a case brought by the Philippines as “null and void.”

On Wednesday, a front-page map in the China Daily, the official English-language newspaper, depicted more than 70 nations who shared “wide support” for Beijing’s perspective on the South China Sea. (Some of the countries on the pro-China map, like India and Malaysia, might be surprised by their inclusion.) “Just several countries, mainly the United States and its close allies,” claimed the paper, “have publicly supported the Philippines and called for observing the ruling as legally binding.”

The judgment by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague is, in fact, legally binding, since China signed an international convention acceding to its authority. The final award cannot be appealed. And more than “just several countries” have urged Beijing to heed the court’s message. Still, the tribunal’s ruling is not enforceable and other powers, like the U.S., have ignored the PCA before. Ultimately, no arbitration panel has the power to erase from the map the military outposts that China has built over the past couple years on what were once, at most, chunks of reef poking out of the South China Sea. “With military activity reaching unprecedented levels in the South China Sea,” went a Wednesday commentary in the China Daily, “there is no guarantee that an escalating war of words will not transform into something more.” On Wednesday, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said that the country, if threatened, had the right to set up a so-called air-defense-identification zone over the contested South China Sea, which would, in theory, require foreign aircraft to alert Chinese authorities to their movements through that airspace.

Read More: Showdown Now Looming Over the South China Sea

Xinhua, China’s state newswire, resorted to animation to dismiss the PCA’s authority. In one comic strip, the five-member tribunal was symbolized by a fox, the Philippines by a diminutive primate and China by a cuddly panda. “We’ve been sailing and fishing the South China Sea before Jesus Christ was born,” explains the panda, voicing the view of China’s atheist Chinese Communist Party. In another drawing, a big-nosed Uncle Sam maneuvered a puppet of former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, under whose administration Manila initiated its arbitration case against China in 2013, while a leering Japanese slinks in the background. “Confused about the so-called South China Sea arbitration?” asked a Xinhua tweet. “Comics may explain why it is a farce.”

Adrift in the South China Sea on a Boat Called ‘Wonder Boy’

The "Wonder Boy" a 36-foot bamboo outrigger boat, on which TIME's East Asia bureau chief Hannah Beech and photographer Chiara Goia, made their voyage to the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, May 10, 2016.
The "Wonder Boy" a 36-foot bamboo outrigger boat, on which TIME's East Asia bureau chief Hannah Beech and photographer Chiara Goia, made their voyage to the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, May 10, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Hannah at the dock before embarking on the four day voyage, May 7, 2016.
Hannah at the dock before embarking on the four day voyage, May 7, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
The "Wonder Boy" prepares to set sail, May 7, 2016.
The "Wonder Boy" prepares to set sail, May 7, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Approaching the Philippine controlled Flat Island (aka Patag Island) in the South China Sea, May 8, 2016.
Approaching the Philippine controlled Flat Island (aka Patag Island) in the South China Sea, May 8, 2016. Chiara Goia for TIME
A soldier takes a dip in the water off the Philippine controlled Flat Island, May 8, 2016.
A soldier takes a dip in the water off the Philippine controlled Flat Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Seven Filipino soldiers walk with their dogs along the shoreline of Flat Island, May 8, 2016.
Seven Filipino soldiers walk with their dogs along the shoreline of Flat Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
A Statue of Our Lady of Fatima in one of the buildings on Flat Island May 8, 2016.
A Statue of Our Lady of Fatima in one of the buildings on Flat Island May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
A gun rests in one of the buildings that houses the soldiers living on Flat Island, May 8, 2016.
A gun rests in one of the buildings that houses the soldiers living on Flat Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
A Chinese boat is seen off the coast of Flat Island, May 8, 2016.
A Chinese boat is seen off the coast of Flat Island, May 8, 2016. Chiara Goia for TIME
A soldier stands by binoculars , used for monitoring passing vessels off the coast of Flat Island, in the South China Sea, May 8, 2016.
A soldier stands by binoculars , used for monitoring passing vessels off the coast of Flat Island, in the South China Sea, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
A soldier outside one of the two buildings on Flat Island, May 10, 2016.
A soldier outside one of the two buildings on Flat Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Soldiers play basketball on Nanshan Island (aka Lawak Island) another of the Spratly Islands, May 8, 2016.
Soldiers play basketball on Nanshan Island (aka Lawak Island) another of the Spratly Islands, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Birds on Nanshan Island, May 10, 2016.
Birds on Nanshan Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Soldiers in the kitchen area on Nanshan Island, May 8, 2016.
Soldiers in the kitchen area on Nanshan Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
The lights of boats are seen from the coral reef of Nanshan Island, May 8, 2016.
The lights of boats are seen from the coral reef of Nanshan Island, May 8, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
A tuna fishing boat from General Santos City in Mindanao, gives the "Wonder Boy" help with directions, May 9, 2016.
A tuna fishing boat from General Santos City in Mindanao, gives the "Wonder Boy" help with directions, May 9, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Hannah waits for coordinates from the adjacent fishing boat, for the location of the Sierra Madre, May 9, 2016.
Hannah waits for coordinates from the adjacent fishing boat, for the location of the Sierra Madre, May 9, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
Dawn over the South China Sea, May 10, 2016.
Dawn over the South China Sea, May 10, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME
View of the South China Sea on route back to Rizal, Palawan, Philippines, May 10, 2016.
View of the South China Sea on route back to Rizal, Palawan, Philippines, May 10, 2016.Chiara Goia for TIME

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi echoed the theme, calling the judicial decision a “political farce under the pretext of law.” The nation’s President Xi Jinping noted, in a state media paraphrasing of his words, that “China will not accept nor recognize the decision, while the country’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea will not be affected under any circumstance.” Xi has made a national rejuvenation of the Chinese people a slogan of his tenure, assuming personal responsibility for lifting China up from a long period of humiliation by foreign powers.

Attacks on the tribunal’s legitimacy continued on Wednesday. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu wondered why the arbitration panel included no Asians — although state media earlier had decried the fact that a Japanese, clearly an Asian, had appointed some of the arbitrators because China had boycotted the entire proceedings and declined to choose panel members itself. (Japan, a wartime foe of China, is also embroiled in a maritime dispute with Beijing in another body of water.) “The arbitral tribunal acts as a lackey of some outside forces,” said a Wednesday commentary in the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece, the People’s Daily. “They will be remembered as a laughing stock in human history.” A nearly 14,000-word white paper that China issued in the wake of the July 12 PCA award dismissed the Philippines for having “concocted a pack of lies.”

Read More: China Will Never Respect the U.S. Over the South China Sea. Here’s Why

Still, big cities like Beijing and Shanghai did not erupt in a frenzy of street anger. Police patrolled the quiet road in front of the Philippine embassy in Beijing, presumably to ward off any incipient rallies. No demonstrators were bussed in or provided with identical protest signs, as has happened with previous bouts of nationalist fervor against the U.S. and Japan. On online platforms, Chinese censors removed jingoistic commentary urging Beijing to defend its South China Sea position by force, according to Freeweibo.com, a censorship-monitoring website. A war of words, it seems, may be enough for now.

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