What the GOP Platform Means

4 minute read

If you only read one thing: Good morning from Cleveland, where Republicans are gathering to draft the party’s platform in the age of Donald Trump. The GOP’s wary tortured relationship with its presumptive nominee is expected to continue, as several tentpoles of Trump’s agenda—from building a wall to demanding rape and incest exceptions to abortion—are expected to fail. The draft platform prepared by the RNC that is set to serve as the basis for discussion makes some concessions to Trump on trade, but stays away from his protectionist language on free trade agreements and tariffs. Meanwhile, the platform rejects the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, while calling for a constitutional amendment or subsequent court decision to reverse it. In his introductory message to committee members, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus signaled to the committee his expectation that they reject a Trump-ward shift. “It is important for us to maintain who we are as a party,” he said Monday night. “We are the party of the open door … we are the party of Lincoln, we are the party of the civil rights act.” The convention rules committee will meet later this week, where efforts to dump Trump will make their last stand, but they likely lack the votes to even force a convention floor vote on unbinding the delegates.

Donald Trump‘s vice presidential reality show rumbles on to Virginia Beach Monday where he is set to appear with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. On Tuesday, he is holding a rally in Indiana, where Gov. Mike Pence is set to attend. Meanwhile, team Trump is floating Gen. Mike Flynn, a pro-choice registered Democrat, in a trial balloon that landed with a thud over the weekend.

Bernie Sanders will finally endorse Hillary Clinton at a joint appearance in New Hampshire Tuesday after securing significant concessions in the Democratic platform over the weekend. The document is the most progressive in history, including calls for tough Wall Street reforms, abolishing the death penalty, and expanding Social Security. Sanders failed in his bid for the platform to call for an explicit rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade bill advanced by President Obama.

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Sound Off

“I think it’s a — I think for women — and these are difficult issues, but I think women have to be able to choose what they — you know, sort of the right of choice, but I think that that’s a difficult legal decision that — and I think that women are so important in that decision-making process.” — Gen. Mike Flynn on abortion on ABC’s ‘This Week’

“I think it’s inappropriate for me to second guess or comment.” — President Obama declining to comment on the concluded FBI and DOJ probes of Hillary Clinton’s email

Bits and Bites

Anti-Trump Delegates Are Making A Plan To Pick Their Own Vice Presidential Nominee [BuzzFeed]

Rudy Giuliani Says ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’ [CBS]

Amid healing words in Dallas, Abbott was suffering from severe burns [Austin American Statesman]

Dallas attack adds to Cleveland concerns before Republican convention [Reuters]

Donald Trump Keeps Distance in G.O.P. Platform Fight on Gay Rights [New York Times]

Bernie Sanders Set to Endorse Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire Rally [TIME]

Gingrich says Trump is a ‘necessary candidate’ [Associated Press]

Democrats Advance Most Progressive Platform in Party History [NBC News]

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