Tom Hanks Should Give Career Advice to Everyone

1 minute read

Confirmed knight in shining armor, Tom Hanks is at it again, improving lives and being a top notch paternal figure to people he’s not related to.

When he isn’t reaching out to the youth and charities in Singapore, using his fame levels to boost Girl Scout cookie sales, or returning a student’s lost I.D., he’s also giving great life advice.

Speaking to InStyle in New York Wednesday, Allison Williams revealed the career advice she got from typewriter enthusiast Hanks, who also officiated her wedding.

“The best advice I got was from—I’m gonna name drop here—was from Tom Hanks, who said that saying ‘no’ is always more powerful than saying ‘yes.’ The times you say ‘no’ will be more defining for your career than the times you say ‘yes.’ And I think that’s really smart and really true and I say ‘no’ a lot. So I definitely took it to heart. I hope he means it.”

Defining careers, reinforcing self-worth, fathering everyone, this is the calling of Tom Hanks.


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