• Politics

What Orlando Revealed about Donald Trump

4 minute read

If you only read one thing: Donald Trump has shaken the nation’s political norms, and now he is violating the norms of how the country responds to tragedy. After the worst terror attack in the U.S. since 9/11, Trump has gone on the offensive, calling on President Obama resign for failing to use the phrase “radical Islamic terror,” for Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race for the same reason, reinforcing his call for a ban on Muslim immigration and insinuating that Obama has ulterior motives. “He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other,” Trump said on Fox News. He later repeated: “We’re led by a man who is a very — look, we’re led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind.” To be sure, Hillary Clinton got her share of Trump jabs in Monday in her own political speech, but it paled in comparison to Trump’s incendiary rhetoric.

Federal officials revealed Monday that the gunman in Sunday’s mass shooting had twice been investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation—and was interviewed by agents twice in 2013 and once in 2014. But no charges were filed in either investigation, and FBI Director James Comey said his department followed proper procedure for closing investigations when there appeared to be no wrongdoing. The shooter, Omar Mateen, who was a licensed security guard, was also able to purchase two weapons in the days before the attack without raising suspicion. The backstory highlights the difficult nature of modern counterterrorism investigations, where homegrown terrorists can be radicalized online without raising suspicion—or committing enough wrongdoing to justify law enforcement action—until they set out to kill people. Congressional Democrats and the White House are renewing calls for legislation to ban gun sales to those on terror watch lists, a measure which wouldn’t have stopped Mateen, who was removed from the lists after the investigations were closed.

Donald Trump argued Monday that presidents can unilaterally suspend certain immigration provisions to prevent any class of people—Muslims in this case—from entering the country, while Hillary Clinton appealed for unity after the shooting. The contrasting approaches are only the latest indicators of how different these two campaigns are, as well as their divergent visions of leadership. Trump called for boldness and toughness, while Clinton appealed for compassion in the face of extremism. It’s up to voters to decide which path they wish to take.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

What Caused Orlando? Hillary Clinton Blames Guns. Donald Trump Blames Immigration.
Rivals trade insults in wake of terror attack, TIME’s Philip Elliott writes

How Donald Trump Used the Orlando Shooting to Sow Division
TIME’s Alex Altman on Trump’s break with tradition following tragedy

Orlando Shooting May Revive Effort to Keep Guns From Suspected Terrorists
Long-overlooked measure may get new life, TIME’s Haley Edwards reports

‘A City in Pain’: Thousands Gather in Orlando for Somber Vigil
Community leaders lead healing process [TIME]

Omar Mateen, an ‘Americanized Guy,’ Shows Threat of Lone Terrorists
New threat is difficult to investigate [New York Times]

Donald Trump Renews Push for Muslim Ban After Orlando Shooting
Says president can act unilaterally [TIME]

Sound Off

“President Bush went to a Muslim community center just six days after the attacks to send a message of unity and solidarity. To anyone who wanted to take out their anger on our Muslim neighbors and fellow citizens, he said, “That should not, and that will not, stand in America.” It is time to get back to the spirit of those days, spirit of 9/12.” — Hillary Clinton at a campaign event in Cleveland Monday

“The immigration laws of the United States give the president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons. Now, any class — it really is determined and to be determined by the president for the interests of the United States.” — Donald Trump reiterating his call for a Muslim ban on Monday

Bits and Bites

Trump Revokes Post Press Credentials, Calling the Paper ‘Dishonest’ and ‘Phony’ [Washington Post]

Is There a Smart Military Answer to the Orlando Shooting? [TIME]

Watch President Obama Speak on Gun Violence Through the Years [TIME]

Read Donald Trump’s Speech on the Orlando Shooting [TIME]

Read Hillary Clinton’s Speech About the Orlando Shooting [TIME]

Donald Trump’s Personal Connection to Orlando Church [TIME]

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to Meet as Democrats Head for Truce [TIME]

Former GOP Senator Endorses Clinton After Orlando Shooting [The Hill]

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