• Politics

Why Donald Trump’s Press Attacks Matter

3 minute read

If you only read one thing: One week after growing angry over news coverage of an empty Trump lectern last week, the Hillary Clinton campaign spent Tuesday hoping outlets would show the occupied one on repeat. But they shouldn’t be so quick to celebrate. Donald Trump’s contentious press conference in which he came clean about his donations to veterans groups was a striking display of antagonism—but also of misdirection. News coverage quickly shifted from the substance of the delayed payments to veterans’ charities to coverage of Trump’s assault on the press. With the media already facing declining trust from viewers, it wasn’t exactly a hard target. Yes, Trump’s comments reflected a dramatic misunderstanding of what it means to be a presidential candidate and the scrutiny that comes with it, but the media savvy that has been the backbone of his candidacy was once again on display.

Conservatives finally floated a name for their #NeverTrump candidate, an unknown lawyer and veteran named David French. But while the trial balloon earned plaudits from Mitt Romney and other Trump opponents, most of America was left asking “who?” The third-party move may be a compelling story in the weeks before Hillary Clinton sews up the Democratic nomination, but its prospects of being anything but a spoiler in November are nil.

Donald Trump is facing renewed scrutiny over Trump University, following the release of confidential documents showing how his salespeople targeted people struggling in the economy and strategized how to push them to stretch their credit lines to take courses that Trump ultimately had little-to-no role in creating.

Sheldon Adelson considers forming a new super PAC to back Trump. Obama will again wade into the 2016 election. And Clinton continues her assault on Trump’s foreign policy proposals.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Tangle Over His Veterans Donations
TIME’s Tessa Berenson and Philip Elliott on the tussle over charity and disclosure

Trump University Targeted Students Who ‘Hurt’ and Had ‘Problems’
Sales “playbook” released in legal probe reveals darker side of Trump “U” [TIME]

The 5 Most Likely Third-Party Scenarios in 2016
None of them involve winning [TIME]

Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony
Documents paint dark picture of Trump venture [New York Times]

Clinton Launching National Security Case Against Trump in California Speech
Push ‘dangerous’ attack new new level [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“You think I’m going to change? I’m not changing.” — Donald Trump to reporters during his contentious press conference

“Once the primaries are over, as of next Tuesday, we will begin talking in more detail about what we can do to unify the party. Because as I’ve said many times, and Senator Sanders has said, we both are going to do everything we can to prevent Donald Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.” — Hillary Clinton to CNN on trying to bring Democrats together

Bits and Bites

President Obama Will Return to Elkhart, Ind. to Tout Recovery [TIME]

Adelson Aides in Talks to Set Up Pro-Trump Super PAC [Politico]

SiriusXM Suspends Glenn Beck Over Donald Trump Comments [Associated Press]

The Donald Trump Conversation: Politics’ ‘Dark Heart’ Is Having the Best Time Anyone’s Ever Had [The Hollywood Reporter]

Obama to Lay Out Campaign Choices [Wall Street Journal]

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