Another Bad Weekend for Trump

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It was another disappointing weekend for Donald Trump, who lost all 14 delegates up for grabs at the Wyoming state convention. The better-organized Ted Cruz appeared the certain winner days before, prompting the Trump campaign to try to lower expectations—including canceling surrogate Sarah Palin’s planned speech. Worst still for Trump were the fresh infiltrations among his pledged delegates to Cleveland, greater than 25 this weekend alone, who would support Trump rivals on subsequent ballots. It’s the second straight weekend of delegate trouble for Trump after he revamped his campaign to focus anew on delegates—thus far with little to show for it.

Facing escalating barbs from Trump, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is looking to maintain the party’s credibility as an honest broker in advance of the first possible contested convention in more than a generation. Priebus has issued the equivalent of a stop-work order on efforts to amend the party rules at this week’s gathering of the party’s governing body. The RNC rules committee can only make recommendations to the convention in Cleveland,, but Priebus fears it would only play into Trump’s protests that the process is “rigged” against him. Meanwhile, any changes that need to be made can still be hashed out in the week before the convention.

Bernie Sanders traveled to Rome to attend a Vatican conference and secure a brief audience with Pope Francis, but don’t call it an endorsement, the pontiff said. Hillary Clinton spent much of the weekend fundraising—including one with George Clooney for which a pair of seats at the head table required raising or giving $353,400. Even the actor acknowledged the sum is “obscene” as it reopened criticism from Sanders on campaign finance. Both barnstormed across New York Sunday as they prepare for Tuesday’s contest.

Clinton leans on her Senate record. Cruz supporters bends over backward to avoid agitating Trump backers. And another Cheney eyes Congress.

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Must Reads

Republican Chairman Seeks to Halt Rules Changes as Trump Complains
Move designed to maintain appearance of party neutrality in delegate fight [TIME]

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Hillary Clinton Leans on Senate Record in New York Primary
TIME’s Sam Frizell on Clinton’s home-state pitch

The Pageant of Donald Trump’s Dreams
Record with women comes under scrutiny [Boston Globe]

Sound Off

“If anyone thinks that greeting someone means getting involved in politics, they should see a psychiatrist.” — Pope Francis on his brief meeting with Bernie Sanders on Saturday

“I think, you know, that we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they’re right to protest, they’re absolutely right, it is an obscene amount of money.” — George Clooney to NBC’s Meet the Press on his high-dollar fundraising for Hillary Clinton

Bits and Bites

George Clooney Admits Money He Raised for Hillary Clinton Is ‘Obscene’ [TIME]

Trump Threatens ‘Rough July’ if RNC Doesn’t ‘Straighten Out’ Delegate System [NBC]

Pope Francis Says Bernie Sanders Meeting Was Not an Endorsement [Associated Press]

Bernie Sanders Releases 2014 Tax Returns [TIME]

Ted Cruz Supporters Play Nice in Wyoming Delegate Battle [TIME]

Liz Cheney Eyes Wyoming House Seat [TIME]

Away From Spotlight, John Kasich Speaks to Those Who Would Listen [The Guardian]

Ted Cruz’s Conservatism: The Pendulum Swings Consistently Right [New York Times]

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