• Politics

John Kasich Says Families Should Be ‘Off Limits’ in Elections

1 minute read

Ohio Governor John Kasich on Sunday said families should be “off limits” during elections and called for “some decency” amid a feud between fellow Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz over their spouses.

Kasich’s comments on NBC’s Meet the Press come after Cruz blamed Trump for planting a story in the National Enquirer, which claimed that Cruz had several extramarital affairs. Prior to it being published, Trump had threatened to “spill the beans” about Heidi Cruz if a pro-Cruz super-PAC continued to post photos of his wife Melania Trump from her days as a model.

“Families have to be off limits,” Kasich said. “I mean, you cannot get these attacks on families. And if this becomes the order of the day, what kind of people are we going to have in the future that are going to run for public office? There’s got to be some rules, and there’s got to be something that gets set there. Some decency.”

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