• Politics

Trump’s Opponents Break the Mold Too

4 minute read

Scenes of violence unseen in politics in nearly 50 years highlighted—or low-lighted—the most chaotic presidential cycle in generations, as charged rhetoric and insults fly without concern for the repercussions. The scene outside Donald Trump‘s rally in Chicago is unlikely to be repeated in the near term, as local officials have stepped up presences at his events at the request of Secret Service, but tense situations continued throughout the weekend when a man rushed the stage at a Trump rally and potential protestors were preemptively kicked out of campaign events by security personal judging largely by the color of their skin. And it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

Like everything about his campaign, Trump is a nontraditional frontrunner. By this point in the race he should be consolidating the support of his party in hopes of building a national coalition. Instead, just the opposite is occurring as the anti-Trump movement gains steam and many independents grow weary of his message. But if Trump wins both Ohio and Florida on Tuesday, it may well be too late to stop him.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio trails in every survey in his home stage and struck an emotional tone over the weekend when asked to discuss Trump, decrying hatred in politics and saying the scenes in Chicago were reminiscent of a third-world country. But the new rhetoric, which he deployed after last week’s GOP debate, seemed to be more an effort of trying to end his campaign on a high note after weeks of directing personal insults at Trump than anything else. And in Ohio, Gov. John Kasich is locked in a pitched battle with Trump for his home state. in a statistical tie in recent surveys, he’s getting the help of former GOP nominee Mitt Romney on the stump Monday. But don’t call it an endorsement—Romney is simply trying to help the candidate with the best shot of depriving Trump of delegates on Tuesday. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had some harsh words for Trump over the weekend, but maintained he would still support him if he were to win the nomination.

President Obama and Misty Copeland talk to TIME’s Maya Rhodan about race in America in a strikingly personal conversation. Hillary Clinton is getting tougher on trade in Ohio as she seeks to avoid another repeat of Michigan. And Bernie Sanders is looking to replay his playbook, highlighting manufacturing jobs lost overseas in the industrial state.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

President Obama and Misty Copeland Open Up About Race
In a conversation with TIME’s Maya Rhodan, President Obama opens up on how he talks to his daughters about America’s racial history

Rubio Grows Emotional About Trump as He Faces Prospect of Defeat
If he’s going to lose, it’s going to be as the candidate he wanted to be, not the one Trump made him [TIME]

What Hillary Clinton Is Selling to Ohio Voters
For trade, but against some trade deals, TIME’s Philip Elliott explains

Trump Has Profited From Foreign Labor He Says Is Killing U.S. Jobs
Clothing line was made overseas [Washington Post]

Rivals Say Trump Set Tone for Violence at Rallies
Violence stems from his rhetoric, they say [TIME]

Sound Off

“All I know is what’s on the Internet.” — Donald Trump explaining while he falsely claim the man who rushed the stage at a Saturday rally was affiliated with ISIS

“I still at this moment continue to intend to support the Republican nominee, but— getting harder every day.” — Marco Rubio after violence in Chicago at Trump’s rally

Bits and Bites

Romney to Campaign With Kasich in Ohio [TIME]

Why This Recent Piece of ISIS Intelligence Stands Out [TIME]

Kasich Faces a Tough Test in Heartland Homeland [TIME]

Chaotic Rallies Show Donald Trump Also Inspires Democratic Turnout [TIME]

Why Protesters Help Donald Trump [TIME]

GOP Head Asks Both Sides to Reduce Violence at Trump Rallies [TIME]

Protester Tries to Storm Stage at Donald Trump Rally [TIME]

Sanders Has Gotten Nastier. Does It Help Explain His Staying Power? [Washington Post]

Trump’s Long Trail of Litigation [Wall Street Journal]

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