• Politics

Video From Carly Fiorina Group Slams ABC for Not Including Her in Debate

2 minute read

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has not relented in her push to be included in Saturday’s Republican debate in New Hampshire.

CARLY for America, the super PAC backing the former Hewlett Packard CEO, released a video on Saturday, calling ABC the “Anybody But Carly” network.

“Tune in as we exclude Carly Fiorina but include people she beat,” the video says. “On Anybody But Carly, we rig the game.”

Candidates were only eligible for the debate if they finished in the top three in Iowa, placed in the top six in averages of national polls or New Hampshire polls. The only two candidates who didn’t make the cut were Fiorina and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore.

Fiorina launched a campaign to be included in the debate, and other presidential candidates and politicians voiced their support.

“She got more Iowa votes than John and Chris. Don’t exclude only woman,” former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said on Twitter on Thursday.

Fiorina finished ahead of Republican candidates Chris Christie and John Kasich in the Iowa caucuses, but both are in the debate on Saturday.

Retired business executive and former General Electric CEO Jack Welch also took to Twitter to push for her participation.

“Republicans must insist that ABC include Carly Fiorina participate in Saturday night debate,” Welch said.

“She has earned a spot,” said Newt Gingrich, a former Republican candidate and former Speaker of the House.

The video released Saturday cites Fiorina’s previous debate performances and poll numbers, arguing that Fiorina has earned her place on stage.

“But on Disney’s ABC, we’ve Frozen Carly out, turned the debate Inside Out—all part of our Mickey Mouse operation,” the video says.

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Write to Katie Reilly at Katie.Reilly@time.com