Volunteers Create Website for Democrats on the Fence Over Sanders

2 minute read

A pair of campaign volunteers launched a website for those on the fence about Democrat Bernie Sanders.

Brothers Jacob, 20, and Alex, 24, Nisnevich launched I Like Bernie, But as a way to clarify Sanders’ positions to friends and family. “It was Alex’s idea,” Jacob told TIME. “He noticed that whenever he talked about Bernie Sanders to family and friends he would keep hearing the same thing like ‘I like Bernie but…'”

I Like Bernie But answers common questions about Sanders by linking to other site or articles that offer analysis of his proposed policies. Sanders, though a long-time member of Congress, is a fresh face to many Americans when compared to his rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Launched this past weekend, the site comes as voters are set to decide at the Iowa Caucuses. The state will be Sanders first big test against Clinton for winning the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Nisnevich brothers noticed that that the site name was available and purchased the domain for $10, says Jacob, with Alex coming up with the questions and his younger brother designing and coding the site.

A similar site launched in early January—If You Like Hillary offers contrast between the Vermont Sen. and front-runner Clinton on the issues, such as education and healthcare.

The brothers posted their creation online and are volunteers for the Sanders campaign, according to Jacob, but did not coordinate with the campaign on I Like Bernie, But. While Jacob has some political experience, having canvassed for a campaign previously, Alex did not. Jacob tells TIME, however, that the two are avid Sanders supporters who wanted to make it easier for others to feel the Bern.

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