Watch a Robot Solve a Rubik’s Cube in 1 Second

1 minute read

Two software engineers who built a robot that can solve a Rubik’s Cube in 1 second are hoping to beat a world record.

Jay Flatland and Paul Rose say their machine can finish the 3D combination puzzle in less than 1.2 seconds. A video they posted showing the impressive feat has been viewed nearly 2 million times.

The pair is in the process of applying for a world record. A robot built by Florida student Zackary Gromko set the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to solve a Rubik’s cube at 2.39 seconds in November 2015.

Flatland and Rose say they used the Kociemba algorithm to solve the puzzle, drilling holes into the middle of each of the cube’s six sides to allow the robot to manipulate it, The Next Web reports.

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