• Politics

Ben Carson Volunteer Dies After Iowa Car Crash

1 minute read

A volunteer for Ben Carson’s campaign has died after a car crash Tuesday afternoon in Iowa.

25-year-old Braden Joplin and three other people working for Carson hit an icy patch of road near Atlantic, Iowa earlier Tuesday, flipping their van and then getting hit by another vehicle, the campaign said in a statement earlier Tuesday. According to a statement from Nebraska Medicine news release send out by the Carson campaign, Joplin died at around 4:30 p.m. local time.

Joplin was brought to Nebraska Medical Center in critical condition, while the other three people were treated and released from a hospital in Atlantic. Carson suspended his campaign events for the day.

Carson will meet with Joplin’s family when he arrives in Omaha Tuesday evening.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com