• Politics

Marco Rubio Trolls Ted Cruz With a Calculator

1 minute read

Marco Rubio‘s campaign is handing out small calculators at rival Ted Cruz‘s events in New Hampshire. The rib? Cruz himself is a political calculator.

Outside a Cruz event at a Sanbornville, N.H., pizza shop, activists on Tuesday offered visitors the tiny gadgets and one-page summary of instances where they say the Texas Republican changed his positions. Among his shifting views: immigration, Syria and Edward Snowden.

“That is not consistent conservatism, that is political calculation,” the sticker on the calculator quotes Rubio as saying. The label on the calculator and the two-sided fact sheet both say they were paid for by Rubio’s campaign.

Rubio and Cruz have been jostling for conservative support ahead of Iowa’s Feb. 1 primary. Cruz has cast himself as the only consistent conservative in the race. Rubio has criticized him as an opportunist. Rubio’s play is that voters will turn skeptical of Cruz’s claim on conservatives.

See a picture of the calculator below.

A calculator being handed out by Marco Rubio's campaign at Ted Cruz events in New Hampshire.Philip Elliott

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Write to Philip Elliott / Sanbornville, N.H. at philip.elliott@time.com