Ted Cruz Says Sorry to New Yorkers in True Ted Cruz Style

2 minute read

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz apologized to New Yorkers Friday—for the indignities they have suffered under “liberal policies.”

Cruz upset the Big Apple with comments he made to billionaire New Yorker Donald Trump at Thursday’s Republican presidential debate, deriding Trump for his “New York values.”

After a day of headlines and social media commentary debasing Cruz for his comments—including words from Democrat Hillary Clinton, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio—Cruz delivered an off-hand apology at a post-debate event Friday in South Carolina, the Washington Post reports.

I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers that have been held down by liberal policies in New York City.

I apologize to the hard-working men and women in the state of New York who have been denied jobs because Gov. Cuomo won’t allow fracking. Even though there have been many high-paying jobs just south in Pennsylvania, New Yorkers have been denied the chance to provide for their families.

I apologize to all the pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers told by Gov. Cuomo that they have no place in New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

I apologize to all the small businesses that have been driven out of New York City by crushing taxes and regulations.

I apologize to all of the African American children who Mayor De Blasio tried to throw out of their schools that were providing a lifeline to the American dream.

And I apologize to all of the cops, firefighters, and 9/11 heroes who had no choice but to stand and turn their backs on Mayor De Blasio, because Mayor De Blasio, over and over again, stands with the looters and criminals rather than the brave men and women of law enforcement.

The Republican wasn’t finished, offering hopeful news for his fellow conservatives in New York, “I do have good news for the good people of New York. I believe 2016 is going to be an election like 1980, and help is on the way.”

[Washington Post]

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