Quick Talk With Rick Ross

2 minute read

You recently remixed Adele’s new single, “Hello.” That’s an unlikely candidate for a hip-hop makeover.

I’ve been a fan of Adele since her first project. She’s such a powerful singer, such a powerful voice. I believe it’s been [a few] years since the 21 project, so she gave us time to miss her a lot. She came back with the “Hello” record, and when I heard it, it was just like, Damn.

How did your time in the headlines shape the album’s direction?

It most definitely made it a more personal record. I had a lot of time to just sit by myself, so I had a lot more things I wanted to address. One [song] goes by the name of “Ghostwriter.” I finally wrote a record telling the way it feels for me to be a ghostwriter, and not only a ghostwriter but one of the biggest in the rap game.

You own several Wingstop franchises and actively promote Luc Belaire rosé. Will you expand the Rick Ross brand into a full-fledged lifestyle company?

We’re most definitely having conversations. If it’s a part of the lifestyle that we live, I’m all for it. I was offered a nice seven-figure deal to do business with a cigarette company, but I don’t smoke cigarettes, and I don’t want that small check to get me to start smoking.

You’ve credited CrossFit with your recent weight loss, and now fans tweet about exercise with the hashtag #RossFit. Is there room for fitness in your empire?

Of course. Right now it’s all about encouraging. Let’s get the movement going. So for everybody that’s using #RossFit, let us know how much weight you dropped, how you lookin’, how you feelin’. Ladies, dudes–all aboard.

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com