• Politics

How the GOP Reacted to Planned Parenthood Shooting

4 minute read

Friday’s deadly shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic has reignited the debate over gun control and the rhetoric used surrounding the controversial organization. Democrats were quick to condemn the attack, which killed three, as they defended Planned Parenthood from months of Republican criticism after this summer’s release of videos showing group officials describing abortions and the preservation of fetal tissue. Republicans. For more than 24 hours after the shooting, Republicans maintained their silence, commenting only when asked on the Sunday morning political talk shows, and while they condemned the violence, they said there was still reason to scrutinize the organization and argued against new gun control legislation.

Donald Trump was forced to cancel a press conference with African American ministers scheduled for Monday afternoon after a group of the 100 expected attendees balked at the Trump campaign’s suggestion that they were set to endorse the GOP front-runner following what had been billed as a dialogue with the black community. Press were informed late Sunday that the meeting was now closed to reporters and that no credentials would be issued. The about-face is one of the most significant cases of the usually-cautious Trump team over-promising and under-delivering.

Chris Christie is feeling the wind at his back after securing high profile endorsements in New Hampshire this weekend, including that of the New Hampshire Union Leader, the state’s largest paper. The endorsement is hardly predictive, with the 2007 one going to primary winner John McCain and the 2011 to primary loser Newt Gingrich, but will provide Christie a badly needed second look from voters in the state he has staked his campaign on. Christie’s opening comes at the expense of the still-struggling Jeb Bush and John Kasich, who is still struggling to catch on.

President Obama arrived in Paris early Monday for the start of a pivotal summit on climate change, but first Obama stopped at the Bataclan theater—the site of the worst carnage in this month’s Paris terrorist attacks. The climate talks represent one of the best opportunities for Obama to add to his legacy 14 months before he leaves office in 14 months. Obama has staked a lot on the talks—which are already drawing skepticism, or worse, from Republicans.

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Sound Off

“I’m not a former socialist. I’m not a former Republican. I’m a life-long Democrat.” — Lagging in the single digits, Martin O’Malley comes out swinging against Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders at the New Hampshire Jefferson-Jackson dinner Sunday night

“This is so typical of the Left to immediately begin demonizing the messenger because they don’t agree with the message.” — Carly Fiorina on Fox News Sunday responding to questions about whether her repetition of debunked claims about Planned Parenthood, among other criticism of the group, motivated the assailant in Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs

Bits and Bites

Trump Demands New York Times Apologize for Saying He Mocked Reporter [TIME]

How The Abortion Rights Movement Is Going To Turn Colorado Into A Rallying Cry [BuzzFeed]

Chasing Endorsements, Chris Christie Showers New Hampshire With Calls and Texts [New York Times]

Black Religious Leaders: No Trump Endorsement [CNN]

Hillary Clinton: America Must Lead at Paris Climate Talks [TIME]

Obama Mourns Paris Dead at Bataclan Concert Hall [Associated Press]

A Wealthy Governor and His Friends Are Remaking Illinois [New York Times]

Congressional GOP Looks to Back Obama Into a Corner [Politico]


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