• Politics

NBC Will Give Candidates Airtime After Trump Hosted SNL

1 minute read

NBC has reached equal time agreements with four Republican presidential candidates after Donald Trump hosted Saturday Night Live in November.

The network reached an agreement with the campaigns of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, Variety reports. Discussions are ongoing with former New York Gov. George Pataki.

According to Variety, the agreement stipulates that the candidates will get time on 18 NBC affiliates in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina during primetime on Nov. 27 and Nov. 28, as well as during the Saturday Night Live time slot on Nov. 28.

Trump appeared onscreen during his hosting gig for 12 minutes and 5 seconds.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com