Watch New Footage in the Latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot

1 minute read

The last official trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has long since debuted, but new TV spots are slowly trickling out with snippets of new footage. The latest spot is mostly comprised of moments we’ve already seen, but there are two new scenes to pay attention to.

First and foremost, there are a few new shots of the always adorable BB-8. Secondarily, we get a look at some new X-wing pilots, one of whom looks a lot like Nien Nunb, who, way back in Return of the Jedi, served as Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor. At this point, it’s unclear whether the new pilot is actually Nien Nunb or just another member of the same species. How long is a Sullustan’s life expectancy, anyway? Who knows! We’ll have to wait until Dec. 18 to find out.

Watch the latest TV spot above, and head here to read EW’s complete collection of Force Awakens.

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