Republicans Push Back on Trump

4 minute read

As the House passed a bill Thursday to toughen the already arduous procedures for Syrian immigrants seeking to enter the U.S., rhetoric against those fleeing the violence is escalating. Ben Carson compared refugees to dogs, suggesting extremists hiding among peaceful refugees are “rabid dogs,” while Donald Trump warned of a “Trojan horse” and promised to create a database to track all Muslims in the United States. Trump’s plan, which would almost certainly fail to withstand a challenge on constitutional grounds, is beginning to draw fire from his GOP opponents, who see an opening even as Trump appears to be gaining steam in the polls after the attacks. Jeb Bush condemned Trump’s comments, as well as some of the other heated rhetoric surrounding refugees, early Friday. “You talk about internment, you talk about closing mosques, you talk about registering people, that’s just wrong,” he told CNBC.

John Kasich‘s super PAC is preparing to launch a $2.5 million assault on Trump—news that isn’t sitting well with the former reality television star and businessman. Trump’s attorney threatened to sue the group late Thursday, as the candidate went on a tweet-storm attacking the sitting governor of Ohio for his ties to Wall Street and lackluster performance in the polls.

Bernie Sanders sought to put a softer spin on socialism in a speech Thursday, arguing he doesn’t believe that government should own the means of production—just that it needs to better serve those who work. Sanders’ speech comes after he blasted blasted capitalism in the first Democratic debate. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton delivered forceful remarks on taking on ISIS, striking a more hawkish tone than her former boss, President Obama, as she rejected the GOP’s focus on the phrase “radical Islamic terror.”

Why Keystone XL isn’t dead as a political issue. What we’ve learned about Speaker Paul Ryan. And the White House’s messaging push on refugees falls flat.

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Must Reads

Trump Sees Boost After Paris Attacks, Would Require Muslims to Register in Database
The latest from an unusual Trump rally [TIME]

Hillary Clinton Strikes Hawkish Tone Outlining ISIS Plans
TIME’s Sam Frizell on Clinton’s calls for an “intensification” of the Obama strategy

Why Republican Governors Will Run Against Obama Again
Keystone XL still lives as a political attack, TIME’s Philip Elliott writes

How Carly Fiorina’s Super PAC Mirrors Her Campaign
Frontiers of campaign finance [Center for Responsive Politics]

Late Lobbying Against Refugee Bill Backfires on the White House
White House message falls flat—or worse [The Hill]

Trump Says He ‘Would Certainly Implement’ Muslim Database
Says “it’s all about management.” [NBC News]

What We’ve Learned About Paul Ryan
The new speaker plans to legislate in an election year, empower his lieutenants and corral restive conservatives — all while learning the job as he goes [Politico]

Sound Off

“For instance, if there’s a rabid dog running around in your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good about that dog, and you’re probably going to put your children out of the way. It doesn’t mean that you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination, but you’re putting your intellect into motion.” — Ben Carson discussing Syrian refugees Friday

“Leaders in the House and Senate won’t even allow a vote on whether we should prevent people on the no-fly list from buying guns, including possible terrorists. It is just beyond one’s imagination; these are people too dangerous to be let on airplanes but Congress won’t stop them from getting guns. It is just something that makes no sense.” — Hillary Clinton on gun control legislation Thursday

Bits and Bites

Here’s How Bernie Sanders Explained Democratic Socialism [TIME]

Minnesota Congressman Shares ‘Agonizing’ Photo of Son’s Protest [TIME]

How Congress Set Itself Up to Get Fleeced by Oil Traders [Bloomberg]

GOP Group Plans Most Aggressive Anti-Trump Campaign Yet [Politico]

After 30 Years in Prison, Jonathan Pollard Freed — but Not to Israel [New York Times]

It’s On: Rubio and Cruz Clash Over Immigration and the GOP’s Future [Washington Post]


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