• Entertainment

Watch Adele Sing Part of a New Song, ‘When We Were Young’

1 minute read

How do you know Adele is a superstar? Is it how she sold more than a million downloads of her song “Hello” in its first week of release, becoming the first artist to ever do so? Is it the fact that her last album, 21, sold more than 30 million copies worldwide? Or that Billboard crowned that record as the greatest Billboard 200 album of all time? Maybe all of these things. But there’s no clearer sign of Adele’s ability to dominate pop culture than the way she points her finger to the sky while absolutely nailing a note in a clip of her singing new song “When We Were Young,” in a preview of her interview with 60 Minutes Australia. See for yourself, below:

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com